Thursday, September 14, 2023

Yowamushi Pedal - Limit Break - Episode 22 - 10 Second Anime

The Class Rep recalls how Manami over-trained after losing last year. Has Manami's attitude changed?

BREAK.22 — "Let My Voice Reach You"

Cycling Porn.

  • Only two riders are still at the front of the race, so we only have Manami's Look and Onoda's BMC to look at.
  • Base training had meant an hour on the rollers in the cycling clubhouse. But trainers these days can change gradient and resistance.
  • Manami demonstrates the bike rider's tripod lean when he sits on the top tube.
  • The advertising logos on the barriers show how old this show is. Shimano, Continental, and Skoda are still around, but Krys, Barilla, and others are gone.


Yay! Mrs. Onoda and Class Rep meet! They're the most influential women in the cycling rivals' lives. Mrs. Onoda gave Class Rep's hat to Manami, who then gave it to her! Have they started dating yet? Hahaha! Mrs. Onoda is so pushy! She wonders how her timid boy became THE NATIONAL CHAMPION OF JAPAN.

One kilometer to go, and Yowamushi Pedal has four episodes to tell it. Manami's obsession with pain as a sign he's alive continues. The anime still loves showing the riders flick their sweat so dramatically. Uh oh. Mrs. Onoda forgot her camera. She can't take a picture of her son, THE NATIONAL CHAMPION OF JAPAN! Can Class Rep help? Har. Mrs. Onoda didn't know her smartphone had a camera. This show has too many anachronisms between the cycling equipment and tech for normies.

Aw. Class Rep remembers how helpless she felt after Manami lost to Onoda last year. What could she say to make him feel better? Manami fell into depression and lacked the motivation to ride afterward. Toudou warned him that only time can take that pain from the disappointment away. Class Rep has never seen the boy depressed before.

When school started again, Class Rep thought Manami was back to normal, but it wasn't so. He had ridden himself to exhaustion several times during training. Toudou asked Class Rep to watch over her childhood friend until he exited the dark tunnel of depression. So, she listened to all his airheaded chitchat. And then Manami found his reason to ride again. He only needs to win at the next Inter-High road race. Whoops! THE NATIONAL CHAMPION OF JAPAN might disagree with that.

The Class Rep wants her voice to reach Manami, but the rest of the crowd is overwhelming. What can she do? Just cheer. He'll hear her. Uh oh. Mrs. Onoda looks like she'll fill up her smartphone's memory card with shots of the asphalt. She missed her chance to take a picture! But the boy heard his mom. Do as your mother tells you, NATIONAL CHAMPION OF JAPAN! The women's voices reached their boys' ears. One episode and only 300 meters passed. Next time, Kinjou does something for Sohoku. How many meters will pass in that time?

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