Friday, August 11, 2023

Yowamushi Pedal - Limit Break - Episode 14 - 10 Second Anime

Naruko tests his climbing legs against Onoda's rival, Hakone's climbing ace, Manami.

BREAK.14 — "Naruko vs. Manami, a Tense Battle"

Cycling Porn.

Yowamushi Pedal loves making Campagnolo shifters spark. Thanks, Manami. Sohoku shows off its Scott, Pinarello, and BMC bikes.


Naruko, the flashy, fast man, calls Manami a bullet train. Bullet trains usually avoid hills, though. Aw. Kuroda shuts down their friendly banter. It's a new season, so Yowamushi Pedal has new opening and ending themes.

Naruko still wants to fulfill his promise of crossing the finish line with Imaizumi and Onoda. More stupid intra-race competitions to make the show watchable. Manami agrees to Naruko's terms. At least he's having fun. But the fun time is over, so say goodbye, Naruko. Whoops! The front of the race is further ahead than they thought. Manami can have more fun with Naruko. But Naruko bet on reaching the plateau with Manami to beat him on a flat sprint. Uh oh. Naruko knows Manami rides based on the wind, and the wind just changed in Manami's favor. Ha! Naruko threw shade at the Yowamushi Pedal animators.

Wow! How far up ahead are Onoda and Imaizumi? Manami let Naruko go ahead on the plateau. Oh. Manami followed Kuroda's orders to save his energy if Naruko beat him to the flat part of the climb. Onoda is super happy that the Big Three of Sohoku can ride together in the lead of the Inter-High Road Race on the last day. Flashback to Makishima saying athletes need dreams to perform in a race. Those extra goals motivate people to break their limits. Hey! That's the title of this Yowamushi Pedal season! Makishima calls Onoda a Dreamer who pulls his friends into them to make his dreams come true.

But Naruko's dream is about to break. His legs are done with seven kilometers to go. The end credit scrawl tells you exactly how the last episode goes. Next time, Imaizumi and Naruko defend Sohoku's lead on the downhill.

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