Tuesday, August 29, 2023

Uchi no Kaisha no Chiisai Senpai no Hanashi - Episode 7 - Yutaka Lies on Top

Yutaka demands from her brother a photo of Shiorin-Senpai. Many photos!

Shiori and Shinozaki share more moments at the shrine on New Year’s Day, continuing from last week’s My Tiny Senpai episode. Oho. Shiori is comfortable enough with Shinozaki that she can grab his arm and drag him around. Lots of blushing reactions happen in such a brief time. Aw. Shiori found a chance to act like a big sister for a lost child. Yutaka wants Shiori and Takuma to have their biological child soon. Little Brother, get busy already!

Happy New Year! Now, get back to work! Shiori. Shiori-Senpai. Come on, now. You’re old enough to know you can’t have growth spurts in your mid-20s. Her boots had higher heels! But will Shiori be okay with Shinozaki examining her body so closely? Is there a line? Can I be next? Ha! Good to know. Shinozaki likes how Shiori’s hair smells. Well. Her chest could have grown over the holiday week. Okay, calm down. You’re both perverts. Happy now? Cute! Shiori can behave childishly, but that doesn’t help her goal of acting like a Senpai.

Ah. Poaching work from different corporate departments is a regular occurrence. Just tell that other guy, “No.” Thankfully, Shiori is possessive of Shinozaki, but is that because he is her Kouhai or some other reason?

The My Tiny Senpai eye-catchers show Shiori having a secret good fortune and Kitty Senpai snuggling a kitten.

Oh no. That pushy PR guy dragged Chinatsu into doing work for him. Her Senpai should be as diligent as Shiori. Aha! Mr. Manager picked up the slack. Love sparks fly from Chinatsu’s direction. Mr. Manager is granularly perceptive about others’ romance but can’t notice things flying at him. Late-night dinner with the office McHottie. Chinatsu totally hopes for more action from My Tiny Senpai’s Prince Charming! Hahaha! How many women have confessed to Mr. Manager McHottie? Not that many! Mr. Manager was popular among the ladies and dated often, but he never fell in love. That’s why he roots for others’ love to bloom. But Chinatsu can change him! Ahahaha! Yutaka joined the party! I laughed out loud. Literally! LOL. She works nearby and then slipped out of an after-work drinking session with her officemates. But she got lonely. Ahahaha!

Uh oh. Jealous Chinatsu. Whoa. Look at how perceptive Yutaka is about Chinatsu’s reactions. She’s better at this romantic cheerleading game than Mr. Manager. See? Akira interpreted Yutaka’s actions in the yuri direction! Misinterpretation, misdirection, and missed out on love connection. That’s Mr. Manager’s love history. Chinatsu can’t handle the attention.

Ahahaha! Yutaka is relentless. Shiorin-Senpai pics, now! Girls love wearing turtlenecks in My Tiny Senpai. Yoink! Yutaka has text-game. Aw. Shiori feels disappointed that Shinozaki didn’t ask for pics. But that doesn’t have to stop her from giving him a weekend gift! Har! Yutaka involved Mr. Manager over her phone! I’m busting a gut over here. Adorable. It’s Shiori’s first selfie! Hahahahaha! Yutaka apologized to Shiori by sending her pics of Shinozaki! Hahaha! Shiori can’t look but wants to look! Aw. Shinozaki never did get Shiori’s selfie. She can change that! Double selfie for the win! Group picture! They’re such good friends. They’ll be at the wedding, don’t you know! Oh. Yutaka is a biotech lab coat type. We like science girls here. She feels left out of the group shot. Next time, Yutaka.

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