Sunday, August 20, 2023

Eiyuu Kyoushitsu - Episode 7 - Yessica Sparkles

Yessica doesn't mind a mixed bath with boys staring at her. Instead, she encourages it. Look at her more, boys!

King Gilgamesh introduced a virtual reality fighting arena for the Hero Class students to go all out. Earnest awakened her bloodlust! Blade suggested the setting look less realistic to avoid people confusing their school hallways for murder factories. Then King Gilgamesh opened his next contribution to the school: a mixed open-air bath!

King Gilgamesh insisted on prohibiting towels and swimsuits will be optional. Earnest wanted to keep her modesty and appealed to her friends for support. Claire and Yessica think of showing skin as no big deal. Dione, the king's long-suffering aide, had to restrain him again. I wish she entered the bath so I could see what her swimsuit would look like. Earnest thought she could at least gain some romantic interest from Blade, but the other girls know the former Great Hero has the mind of a five-year-old regarding the opposite sex.

The subplot for the episode involved love interests for Claire and Yessica. Clay and Kassim sulked after the lovely girls defeated them in the VR fighting arena. Part of the boys' low feelings came from how they had crushes on the girls. They asked Blade for harsh training, thinking that Claire and Yessica would like them back if they improved their fighting skills. Nut-punching might backfire if they successfully start dating those girls! It was all moot because Claire and Yessica have excellent teamwork, so Clay and Kassim must keep training.

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