Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Megami no Cafe Terrace - Episode 10 - Ouka's Uniform Designs

Ouka’s sister Kikka instantly recognized her twin’s fashion style in the design of the Familia uniforms.

Who’s that? It looks like Ouka, but her eye color is different. Whoa! Ouka would never treat Ami like that. This doppelgänger will steal your soul, Ami! Hayato noticed the difference right away. He spends too much time looking at these girls not to notice! Ami ran to the other location to complain to Ouka about what Ouka had done and... Ah! Ouka has a twin sister named Kikka. Goddess Café Terrace, start the melodrama!

Kikka wears glasses. Does Ouka wear contact lenses? Hayato’s grandmother watches over this tense sisterly reunion. Oh. Kikka missed her sister at a summer festival, so the family sent her to check on the missing one. Ugh. Kikka maliciously misinterprets Ouka’s relationships with the Familia and insults everyone. She’s not even wrong on the details but puts the worst spin on them. Riho seduces guys for money to go to the restaurant, Akane has a shady band name, Ami will do anything if a guy phrases it in chuunibyou military jargon, and Kikka calls Shiragiku out dead to rights on her liquor-induced lechery. Shots fired! Three girls have fallen in love with Hayato already!

Kikka’s words about tradition and prestigious families ring hollow considering how Ouka acts. There’s frustration in those words, and Kikka lashes out at people taking her sister away. Ouka let her have it. Family drama, to be continued, I’m sure. Aw. Ami didn’t insult Ouka by complaining about Kikka’s attitude. Brief explanation: Ouka is the prodigal daughter.

Oh, hey. We’re still in the beach shack arc, so there should be plenty of bikini fanservice in Goddess Café Terrace, right? Ugh, not so much. Ouka is preoccupied, and Kikka is too proud to apologize straightforwardly. Mad Dog Kikka might be more rabid than Ouka! Kikka wants that cheesecake! Okay, she laughed at Ami’s weirdness. The thaw is happening.

Bathtub time for Ouka. She remembers when she and Kikka got along. Then they grew apart after she declared she wouldn’t attend Tokyo University. Ouka feels guilty for dumping family traditions and responsibilities on her younger sister. Hayato barges in and pokes holes in Ouka’s balloon of self-recrimination. Kikka never badmouthed Ouka’s decision to be a fashion designer. She just wondered why she fell into a harem situation with shady characters!

How far will Goddess Café Terrace make Ouka travel to apologize to her sister? Uh. Not far! The twin sisters had a misunderstanding. Wait. Which Grandma spoiled Ouka? Did Kikka mean their grandmother? Ah. Kikka was Ouka’s greatest fan. Why didn’t she make cute outfits for her too? Neesan-no-baka! And melodrama over.

You know what that means — shady harem hijinks! How did this situation happen in the then minutes the sisters were away? Akane saves the day with pumpkin cheesecake. Ouka needed to thank Hayato too. Eh? Not buying it. Hayato thinks left-handed people wear bag straps on their left shoulder. Or did he notice that Ouka usually puts the shoulder strap on the other side? His other reasons make more sense. The doppelgänger treated Ami like a stranger instead of family. Of course. Just when Ouka had paid Hayato a compliment, he had to dash it away by acting petty. He’ll have you know he also got into Tokyo University!

Next time, fireworks fly at Hayato in all directions. Plus, Shiragiku might reveal how she knows him from before!

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