Tuesday, May 02, 2023

Megami no Cafe Terrace - Episode 3 - Ami Holds Chest

Ami thought a broken laptop and a smartphone were worth a free squeeze of her ample assets.

Familial strife! Ouka doesn’t want Hayato’s cooties in her laundry! Riho reminds Hayato that their fighting might spill over into business hours. Customers should not hear about Hayato’s “weird fluids.” Akane suggests that Hayato give Ouka compliments to get along. Oho. Blushing Akane is cute too! Ugh. Hayato can’t stop dishing out backhanded compliments in Goddess Café Terrace. Shoe to the face! Har. Shiragiku still doesn’t know how she acts when she drinks alcohol. Everyone else does, though!

Uh oh. Some wine got on the salad, so I expect nocturnal maneuvers hunting for man scent. Ah. Confirmation that Ouka is a fashion student. She designed the waitress uniforms for the Familia Café Terrace. She’ll take praise for her work, but she doesn’t trust anything else Hayato says. Stay away from his cooties! Here we go. Drunk Shiragiku wants to slurp up all those smelly cooties! Shutter chance! Pervert evidence!

Look! Goddess Café Terrace foreshadows! Hayato left his laptop and phone on his table after he shooed Ami away. Aha! Hayato’s stock trading pastime explains the day range graphics in the opening credits. And how he intends to pay his part-time employees. Something changed. Ami is no longer the giggling genki girl she was a few minutes ago.

Was she a sensitive and perceptive soul all along? Nope! And she was only quiet because she didn’t want Hayato to find out how she had broken his stuff! Usually, one’s stupidity can be expensive, but Ami’s Baka Charm has hit someone else in the wallet. Ami overestimates the worth of copping a feel on her chest. Noogie time!

Finally, the grand reopening of Familia Café Terrace. Hayato can make coffee now! The locals have come back. Ugh. Hayato’s first challenge: keeping his temper around the rude businessman who had loaned money to his grandma. Crisis averted! But the goddesses of the café are a vengeful lot. They provoked the jerk to sexually harass a woman, in public, in front of witnesses! Busy day. Hayato had a successful relaunch and his first customer ejection.

Next time, Shiragiku gets drunk, and Ami kicks delinquents at a cherry blossom festival.

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