Monday, April 17, 2023

Birdie Wing - Golf Girls' Story - Episode 15 - 10 Second Anime

After Aoi’s health scare, Coach Amuro teaches her a different golf swing. Eve’s Orange Bullet becomes a window into her past.

Episode 15 — “The Reason Just Playing Golf Makes Me So Happy”


Are we watching an episode of The Maury Povich Show or an anime about golf girls? All the revelations about who swings which way, not in the good gay way, led to questions about whose father is whose. Amuro’s golf swing tires him out, and Seira Amawashi knows that. So does Coach Date, so he also worried that Aoi’s body couldn’t yet handle the strain. But did Seira have another concern? She might have worried that people would wonder why the daughter of Kazuhiko Amawashi swung a golf club the same way his best friend did.

Did you know that a Japanese man usually takes the name of his wife’s family when he marries into a prestigious clan? The custom of mukoyoushi (婿養子, adopted son-in-law) appears to be what happened between Seira Amawashi and Kazuhiko Hodaka. BIRDIE WING turns golfing power into a zaibatsu situation with a political marriage between golf legends. But is Kazuhiko Aoi’s father? We can trust Eve, Evangeline Burton, recovered her memories, so we can assume she inherited her Rainbow Shot from her father. Get this golfing soap opera on The Maury Povich Show after they take paternity tests.

BIRDIE WING brought us back to Nafrece with two short scenes. That helps set the audience’s expectations about the story’s direction, so it won’t be jarring when Eve finds herself in another Mafia war zone. With how quickly Eve and Aoi dispatched Mizuho, we can be assured that high school golf practice is over. BIRDIE WING laid the foundation for Leo’s reintroduction into the story as a main character instead of a mysterious presence. We’ll soon get answers about his motivation for teaching Eve golf after her amnesia. Was he paying a debt of honor to an old rival? Was he training Kazuhiko’s heir to set up a future rematch? Was his Rainbow Bullet technique a way to sabotage Eve’s natural golf tendencies? I can see the story going in these different directions.

There’s even more tight foreshadowing from BIRDIE WING. Kazuhiko and Amuro told a young Aoi that there are two ways to strengthen a heart to win at golf. That binary approach sets up competing philosophies between Leo and Kazuhiko. Leo’s Bullet training, which we saw him instill in Rose Aleon, confirms he adhered to the method of unwavering conviction. Aoi is in the other camp of enjoying golf no matter what happens. But where will Eve end up? The answer to that question is how BIRDIE WING will end the season.


Eve sank the shot from the rough and won the doubles match play! Goodbye Kaoruko and Kuyou. I hope we’ll see you in some running commentary from the BIRDIE WING popcorn gallery. What a future! Transforming indoor golf courses and high school golf girls streaming onto any tablet and barroom TV screen. And Aoi finally collapsed. It’s a cliffhanger before the opening credits! The Nadaminami school logo is on the final golf ball, so it’s time for Kaede and Mizuho to show us their golf.

Ooh, flashback time. Kazuhiko imparts golf wisdom to a tiny Aoi. There are two ways to make an invincible heart in golf. First, always keep true to your convictions in your heart. That sounds tough but brittle if you don’t also have mental fortitude. Second, enjoy golf no matter what! I think Aoi chose the latter path. Aoi’s father wanted her to keep an innocent heart. Would he be disappointed that Aoi plays for Eve’s kisses on the cheek? Mysterious ailments! The doctors didn’t find anything wrong in Aoi’s MRI scan. Oh, come on. Please tell us what a “neurally mediated syncope” is in plain language. That’s just a sudden loss of blood pressure from a nervous system reflex causing unconsciousness. Fainting. Like from seeing blood, emotional stress, or standing too long. These golf girls are too high-strung, like racehorses. Foreshadowing! Aoi’s mother knows these symptoms from her husband!

Burger time for the golf girls. Amuro looks worried. Let’s see how the Nadaminami girls are doing with their doubles matches. Oho. They’re bored. No one has been a challenge for Mizuho and Kaede. They got so far ahead in match play that they didn’t even make it to the final four holes. Amane and Ichina think they can make a strategy around that. Mizuho wonders how Eve’s golf swing is the same as Kazuhiko’s. So do we all! Har. Eve still plays those Mafia mind games.

Oh? What will Amuro teach Aoi at the driving range? Nothing. He wants to put a magic spell on her! Let’s see what kind of sports psychology technique he uses. Neat! Amuro can mimic other golfers’ swings, so Aoi recognized her mother’s and father’s. Whose swing is that last one? It’s Aoi’s perfect swing! Amuro’s sports injury still affects him. Three swings, and he’s down from exhaustion. At the same time, Ichina can’t figure out how Raiou can beat Mizuho conventionally. Eve will need to use Orange Bullet! No problem for Eve.

Doubles Golf Championship final round. Amuro has a magic spell for Eve too. “A swing without uncertainty leaves a rainbow in its wake,” quoted from Amuro’s best friend. Gee, I wonder if BIRDIE WING showed us that guy already. Rainbow Bullet time! Wow. Eve hasn’t had to do anything. Forget birdie-birdie. Aoi’s new swing gets her eagle-eagle! Aoi’s mom recognized that new swing. It’s too early for Aoi to use it because her body can’t handle the stress yet. I’m not a fan of these mind-reading conversations. Amuro watched over Aoi as she grew up when he hung out with his best friend, her father, so he’s more like an uncle than a golf coach. Mizuho’s admiration for Kazuhiko is a dim flicker compared to Aoi’s bonds with golf legends. So, how does Eve’s body swing like that when she’s in the Orange Bullet zone?

Hey, I know those people! Klein’s bar must have the ultra-super-duper sports package on its cable plan. Streaming Japanese high school golf girls’ tournaments must be in high demand in Nafrece. Right? New foreshadowing from Klein: Eve can’t be a pro golfer because the Mafia will find her.

Aoi’s stamina gave out. Will Eve have to knock down another crazy shot to end the match? Of course! Still no kisses for Aoi. Orange Bullet Time! Eve’s repressed memories came all the way out. Kazuhiko is her father! She heard his famous rainbow quote a long time ago. Kazuhiko’s Rainbow Shot. Look at that rainbow backspin! Leo must subscribe to the same ultra-super-duper sports streaming service as Klein does. Aisha will be one of Eve’s next rival golf girls. In Japan or back in Nafrece?

Secrets came out in BIRDIE WING! Eve knows her name and her parents. Evangeline Burton is the daughter of Eleanor Burton and Kazuhiko Hodaka. That was before he married and became Kazuhiko Amawashi! Next time, golf family drama!


  1. Found your blog while I was looking for gifs of Birdie Wing. Love reading your Birdie Wing posts! This show is great!!


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