Thursday, December 22, 2022

Mob Psycho 100 S3 - Episode 12 [END] - Mob Watercolor

Mob at Psycho 100 Percent went beyond the colors of the rainbow. Texture mattered too!

The source of Mob's Psycho Stress meter was honesty. The Mob inside Shigeo's psyche thought that showing his ESP all the time would let Tsubomi accept him and his love. But Reigen knew that the ultimate source of stress came from Shigeo's doubt about his mentor. Mob knew Reigen didn't have psychic powers, but why did his longtime friend keep that from him? As soon as Reigen revealed that he was a guy who also felt ashamed of his secrets, Mob released Shigeo. Shigeo Kageyama, 100%!

Shigeo is a happily adjusted teenager now. He talks to his childhood crush, Tsubomi, on the phone every so often. And he can laugh easily in front of his friends at Reigen's birthday party. There's no longer a need for a Mob Psycho meter.

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