Thursday, November 03, 2022

Futoku no Guild - Episode 3 - Hitamuki Different Colored Gym Uniforms

Hitamuki explained why she came to girlfriends-outing in gym clothes. They're the only casual clothes she owns!

The girls of Kikuru's harem, er, novice party, went on a bonding date. After dog girl Hitamuki explained her fashion choices, the other girls went straight to the most curious subject of the day. Who would Kikuru go out with? Tokishikko called him, and he quickly answered, "Enome." The girls knew they couldn't compete with her!

Hitamuki noticed Kikuru walking around and accidentally fell on him. Hitamuki's usual luck turned into a lewd experience for all involved.

Enome joined Kikuru and Hitamuki to explore why monsters have been sexually harassing female adventurers. Hitamuki immediately found an animal that gave the group plenty of evidence!

The episode's most surprising revelation was the relationship between Enome and her receptionist partner, Eshune. She's Enome's daughter! Enome is 31 years old. And she last had sex twelve years ago, which means the voluptuous Eshune is only eleven years old!


Enome and Hitamuki were the featured players in this episode, so that brought in a ton of sexual activity and nudity. Enjoy the NSFW harassment of the top-heavy Enome and drooling Hitamuki.

Kikuru explained to Enome how monsters have been targeting female guards in lewd ways instead of harming them. Hitamuki is a favorite target of these horny beasts.

A bunch of snakes attacked Hitamuki in the usual lewd manner. As Kikuru moved to rescue her, the same kind tied Enome to a tree! Hitamuki told Kikuru to save Enome first. The guild receptionist's breasts are so beautiful, Kikuru felt compelled to write poetry about them.

Hitamuki was in similarly dire straits, but she was used to it now.

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