Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Tokyo Mew Mew New - Episode 5 - Pillow Fight

The Mew Crew had a pajama party pillow fight at Mint's house during the day. Can they do that?

After Zakuro made Mint feel bad, Mint's personality changed. She served food and drinks at the Mew Mew Cafe instead of sitting and drinking coffee! She needed cheering up! The other Mew Mew girls went to her home, things happened, and they wore pajamas during the day.

That evil Quiche guy bothered them, harrassed Ichigo, and then infected Mint's dog. What a jerk! The Mew Crew couldn't bring themselves to hurt the puppy, but Mint got over her reluctance. Their magical weapons don't physically hurt animals anyway. Meanwhile, the Mew Crew still needs Zakuro to join their team. That aloof celebrity should change her attitude!

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