Friday, July 29, 2022

DanMachi S4 - Episode 2 - Aisha Stands Watch

Aisha stood guard as her adventuring party damaged the dungeon floor's features. It keeps monsters from respawning.

The second episode of DanMachi's fourth season gave the official opening theme and credits. Spoiler-rich, as always. We saw that green monster fighting Mikoto and Aish at the end of this week.

Bell's friends admired how much he had grown since they first knew him as the Level One Little Rookie. He moved confidently in battle and led his comrades with a growing charisma. Aisha, who has been at Level Four for a while, warned Bell about the deeper dungeon floors. They have surprises that are difficult to prepare for. Only his resolve and experience as the expedition leader will help them through adversity.

The floor with the Great Falls did have surprise monster attacks. A fish tried to eat Haruhime as she stood near a river bank. Then an eel, or catfish, fell through the cavern ceiling to eat Mikoto. She kicked that thing in the snoot before Bell stabbed it to death. These encounters gave the expedition confidence in their plan, but a new monster injured Chigusa. They had never seen a plant grow from inside a wound before! What will happen to her?

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