Monday, May 30, 2022

RPG Fudousan - Episode 5 - Kotone Bikini

RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
Kotone traveled to the beach to tour a new property in her portfolio. It was an excuse to show off her bikini body!

RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5

The girls of RPG Real Estate continue to fly far and wide to find housing for their clients.

RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5

For example, Kotone received a map of a beachside location. Before the girls got down to work, they needed to display their bikinis and play in the ocean.

RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5

Rakira wondered what life would be like if she were topheavy like Kotone. She decided that big, floppy fun bags would get in her way as a melee warrior.

RPG Fudousan - Episode 5
RPG Fudousan - Episode 5

Rufuria decoded the map of the vacant property, but the RPG Real Estate girls needed Fa's help to translate the speech of marine animals.

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