Proof 4 – “Science-Types Fell in Love, So They Tried Going to a Live Concert.”
If you haven’t figured it out already, Science Fell in Love ❤️
bases much of its romantic comedy gags on inverting the rules of the
shoujo manga genre. The manga volume covers usually show off the gangly
limbs, cold stare, and pointed hairstyle of Shinya Yukimura. Kosuke Inukai
occupies the romantic rival spot with his blonde hair, rough face, and
athletic build. Everyone in the Ikeda Lab is an inversion of a
shoujo genre character type. Even Kotonoha, who could be the
reader-insert heroine torn between the brooding Yukimura and the fiery Inukai,
dishes out topology concepts in conversation.
We’re deep into the second season of the Science Fell in Love anime, so
it’s easy to stay within the science gags and the main cast’s interactions.
But the story is a serial romantic comedy where the resolution of the premise
would end the story. If Shinya and Ayame prove their love scientifically, they
can live happily ever after! We can’t have that if we want to keep seeing
Ayame and Ena’s tights-covered legs every week.
The introduction of new characters brings us back to the beginning. New gal
Haru will bounce against Shinya’s character flaws to maximum comedic effect.
And Kotonoha will finally have a romantic adventure of her own. That’s part of
the formula for beating the sophomore slump.
Haru makes us pay attention to where she will fit into the established network
of relations in Science Fell in Love. We heard several times about
Haru’s intelligent older sister. Who is that? The episode’s attention on Ena
and the next-door science lab’s project hints at the identity. Please, manga
fans, don’t spoil my speculation.
Science Fell in Love, So I Tried Having a Girls’ Night Out. Yay...
Do your best, Kotonoha! Keep trying to drag the science-type weirdos into
normie culture! Ayame ponytail wagging! Yes! I know she wants steak. I
just know it! Ayame didn’t have close girlfriends at her all-girls
schools. She’s new to the socializing concept. Kotonoha is clingy. That is
acceptable, so let the yuri flow! Yes, it’s very girly to compare
chocolate syrup to Euclidean space. Har. Science girls are friends as the
limit of n approaches infinity. Normie translation – Science Girls BFF
(Best Friends Forever)!
Uh oh. Ayame and Ena are lone foxes. They don’t see the purpose of posting
food pictures and filtered selfies on Instagram. I don’t either. Kotonoha,
please teach the science-foxes the importance of “girls talk.” According
to Science Fell in Love ❤️, Ayame needs wine, a laptop, and a printer for girl talk... Man,
I would never use LaTeX for my love journal. Hoho! I wonder what Kotonoha
found in Ayame’s 128 findings of love. Ena didn’t flinch when Kotonoha
asked her about Kosuke. He’s the one who gets easily flustered about Ena,
so no surprises here. That’s right. What about Kotonoha? Is she still
carrying a torch for her high school teacher? Let the yuri flow! We know
from earlier that Kotonoha has overflowing feelings for sweet buns. Over
9000! Boo. She has no current crushes, fixations, or stalking victims. You
know that will change soon because Science Fell in Love ❤️
mentioned it.
Oh? The lab next door is running a practical experiment at an idol
concert. Haha! Ena knew Kosuke would show up because the singer is the
voice actor for his waifu Aika! Kosuke can’t stand Ena making fun of his
fandom. Only Kosuke thinks he looks handsome in an idol fan coat. Ah. The
Kaihori lab, the science group next door to Ikeda, wants to research the
relationship between an idol and her fans through sensory feedback. How?
Waving a Pen Light! The Kaihori lab devised a novel twist – the singer has
lights on her costume with a dimmer switch. The more enthusiastic the
penlights wave, the brighter her dress will become. Ena is so tiny that
she looks like she’s carrying a lightsaber. Those penlights also
vibrate... Fire up those idol doujins!
Eh? Science Fell in Love ❤️, really? Shinya has a part-time job! Is he selling boba tea? Why do
random gals appear on the screen? Uh oh. Gal Papa is not happy with his
daughter’s grades. Tapioca balls won’t get her into college.
Foreshadowing! The gal’s older sister is a smarty every day. Who’s that?
Have we met her already? Haru Kagurano’s eyes have the same shade of
purple as Ena’s. Ah. Shinya is her tutor. Can an arrogant, condescending
guy like Shinya handle high school students? Kosuke takes his turn in the
fashion shoot eye-catch. There are twelve of these, but I count only
eleven main characters. The last one should be a group shot.
Hello, Classical Mechanics. Static friction, the normal force, geometry,
and vector diagrams... The nostalgia is strong in
Science Fell in Love ❤️. Hahaha! I don’t remember boba teacups sliding down an inclined plane in
my old physics homework. I also did not want to see a science bear’s poop
accelerate gravitationally. In Japan, a bear does not... you know, in the
woods. It finds a squat toilet to gross you out! Rikekuma’s explanation of
g for the earth’s gravitational acceleration overcomplicates it. Newton’s
law of gravity shows you how pointless it is to worry about the correct
gravitational force in everyday engineering. Unless you’re trying to
capture a neutrino, then good luck! Anyway, back to a science bear sending
the fecal matter to the planet’s center.
Haru wonders if you need to use physics in day-to-day life.
Science Fell in Love ❤️ says, if you want to hold your boba, you do! The frictional
force is mega-hyped! Look at all the physics, statistical mechanics, and
fluid dynamics in one cup of iced tapioca tea. Hey, you don’t need to
calculate the specific numbers, but understanding the trends of the
formulas can help you avoid dropping your expensive snack. Cutest physics
diagram ever. Aw, Haru should stop calling herself an idiot. Squee! Shinya
forcefully suggests she stop doing that too. He calls everyone “idiot,” so
that doesn’t count.
And back to the anime song festival. Ayame liked swinging those pen lights
around. Uh oh. Ena collapsed. Indoor types need to gauge their energy levels
more carefully. Also, use earplugs at concerts and nightclubs. Will we meet
Professor Kaihori later in Science Fell in Love ❤️ season? Both Ayame and Kosuke know Ena works harder than she lets
on. She needs to portray an aloof, disinterested persona, but her weak stamina
betrays her. Quick cut back to Haru saying goodbye to Shinya. The high school
gal saw past his prickly exterior to his squishy tapioca center. And now we
return to Ayame’s comfortable lap pillow. Kosuke realized Ena created the
penlight experiment for his sake. So, he could feel more connected to his
favorite idol. Kosuke’s heart is not ready to see Ena like that!
Oh? Does Kotonoha regularly turn down pickup artists? Ah. These guys were at
Okinawa. The Ikeda Lab fellows intimidated them. But one guy plucked up his
courage! Has the springtime of youth bloomed for Kotonoha?
Next time, do we really need a clip show recap episode? They need to prove
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