Proof 1 – “Science-types Fell in Love, So They Tried Comparing Couples.”
First Thoughts.
What is the formula for fighting the sophomore slump? Science Fell in Love, So I Tried to Prove It r = 1 – sinθ (Rikei ga Koi ni Ochita no de Shoumei shitemita. r=1-sinθ (Heart)) aims to write the correct equation. The equation for following a satisfying ending to its first season. The story is a romantic comedy with science gags, so it doesn’t have an epic tale of generational war to rely on. What can it do? Addition and multiplication are mathematical functions for increasing scale, so can Science Fell in Love ❤️ use them here? Of course. Since a sitcom’s success rests on the strength of its quirky characters, a second season can add new characters. New characters also multiply the network of comedic interactions. And making organic chemistry jokes increases the nerd humor exponentially!
The sequel title for Science Fell in Love is fun, but my computer hates it. The math equation makes a heart shape in polar coordinates. It’s not the polynomial equation on Shinya’s glasses case that Ayame gave to him in the season finale two years ago. I like using the heart emoji in a blog post, but my file systems reject it and the equal sign. At least the Japanese title adds the “heart” parenthetical to explain the equation.
Thankfully, the production values for Science Fell in Love ❤️ remain the same as in the first season. The main cast also returned, so we can expect the same performances. Studio Zero-G also made the opening credit sequence sexy and fun.
Science Fell in Love ❤️ addressed an uncomfortable issue from last season – what do information science researchers know about sample collection? Ayame and Shinya also needed to send the samples for independent testing and input data manually into their scripts. Teaming up with biochemistry geeks is smart. Chris and Suiu’s local lab equipment allows for quicker analysis. Also, these biologists can disabuse the haughty mathematicians of their notions. They think they know everything about hormones and neurotransmitters.
The first pair of new characters are an established couple, but they’re still as weird as everyone in the Ikeda lab. That keeps the comedy fresh in Science Fell in Love ❤️ and the lovey-dovey biochemists can make many meta-jokes on anime fetishes. Suiu’s lap pillow competes hard with Kosuke’s body pillow cover for perverted comedy points.
The opening credits introduce the cast to the music of Sora Amamiya. “Love-Evidence” is catchy dance music.
Yeah! Why do data scientists wear white lab coats? Aesthetics... But why doesn’t Professor Ikeda wear one? A monster won’t let him! Ah. The demon is Ena. She won’t let him wear lab coats anymore because he kept destroying them with his science flexes. Science Fell in Love ❤️ took twelve episodes to explain the white coats. Kosuke still loves his Aika-chan figurine. Continuing from their Okinawa trip, Ayame claims they collected their oxytocin samples too late from the ultimate kissing atmosphere experiment. It was a good kiss! Data scientists waste time waiting for sample analysis to come back, so why not go to the source?
Love lab collab with biochemists! Bring on the next batch of science-type weirdos! Saliva specialist? I have a bad feeling about this. She’s an old-timey prostitute! She would know about “bodily fluids.” Ah. She’s a weirdo. Her partner is strait-laced. Science fell in love with this pair a long time ago. Kanade suspects another lovey-dovey couple will push their love in her face. The short guy is Chris Florette, from Great Britain. I hear too much of Eren Jaeger and Meliodas from the voice actor here. Suiu Fujiwara is the saliva expert. And gives off slattern vibes. The Edo period music in the background is hilarious. Chris complains about how seductive Suiu is, but it sounds more like possessive bragging. Chris and Suiu have been together for four years!
The data science lab has no experience with “normal love.” Wait. Is 2D waifu love not normal? Heresy! An unrequited crush is usual, though, one-sided as it is. Uh oh. What if Ayame and Shinya produce a love equation and discover they don’t fit the parameters? Would the third season be Science Fell in Love 💔 (Broken Heart)? Chris claims love is too subjective for an objective definition. His passion shines too brightly! Shinya is too stubborn to admit he doesn’t know what his feelings are. He needs proof to tell him. Ayame wants to follow his lead. Chris and Suiu’s cuddle charts pierce the sky! Uh, why is it a competition now?
Come back to reality after the break. Suiu wants to measure both oxytocin and chromogranin A. They are the happiness and stress chemicals. Ayame proves that Kanade loves sweet buns the most! Chemistry lab equipment tutorial with Rikekuma! The key is isolating the molecule you want for spectrum analysis. And quickly to the embarrassing love declarations, for experimental purposes, of course. Yay! Science Fell in Love ❤️ brought back Ayame’s wagging ponytail!
Alone in a dark room. What will happen there? Too lewd! Bare thigh lap pillows are too much! Chaste kissing between love noobs is okay too. It’s not enough to beat a lap pillow, though. Shinya is too competitive. What will he make Ayame do next?
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