Saturday, February 05, 2022

Hakozume - Episode 5 - Annoyed Fuji

Hakozume - Episode 5
Fuji showed her annoyance at Kawai's lazy attitude in keeping their patrol car clean. Kawai needed to adjust to night shifts.

Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5

Fuji wanted to instill a sense of pride into Kawai about the police patrol car. But Kawai felt drowsy from doing night patrols. Kawai also thought the car's seats were too comfortable. She suggested a different design for car seats to match exercise balls. That would keep her awake! Fuji found a better way to keep Kawai awake – telling her ghost stories to scare her. Fuji then used that frightened Kawai to poach a burglary suspect from her detective friends. Kawai developed a better appreciation for the police patrol car, but it still wasn't good enough to keep it spotless.

Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5
Hakozume - Episode 5

In the second half of Hakozume, Detective Yamada needed to make a train groper confess to his crime. He realized he couldn't do it himself, so he asked his fellow officers to help him. He used the sparkling smile that Fuji gets when she sadistically abuses suspects. And he used the death glare that Makitaka makes when she sees men poorly behaving. Yamada gained the suspect's trust because the guy needed to get away from those crazy cops. Fuji reacted to Yamada's gratitude by squeezing his bowed head. She didn't like doing extra work when Yamada could have asked for help much sooner.

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