Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Mieruko-chan - Episode 5 - Miko Makes Yulia Pass Out

Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Miko needed to shut Yulia down before the massive ghosts in the room realized she could see them. Submission hold!

Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Mieruko-chan - Episode 5

Yulia can see ghosts too, and she bothered the fortune-teller to teach her how to use her power. The grifting fortune-teller refused and ultimately moved back home after her encounter with Miko. Yulia realized she needed to meet Miko to form a community of ghost watchers.

Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Mieruko-chan - Episode 5
Mieruko-chan - Episode 5

Yulia saw how well Miko ignored the ghosts on the street, so she hatched a plan to provoke Miko into acknowledging her power. Unfortunately, Yulia can see the little ghosts, but she can't see the powerfully large ones. Miko panicked, and the first idea that came to her was pro wrestling! Naturally, Yulia didn't understand Miko's well-intentioned actions. Miko had hoped she made a friend that she could share her unique experiences. But that looks far into the future now.

Mieruko-chan - Episode 5

Hana's blissful ignorance continues to be a source of comfort to Miko. She also continues to be a source of sexy comedic fanservice to the audience!

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