Tuesday, November 09, 2021

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6 - Doukichan Mortified

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6
Doukichan’s heart was not ready to see Doukikun so quickly after sending her embarrassing text.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6

Oh ho! Doukichan broke the cardinal rule of sending sexy pics late at night. You can’t take them back for hours afterward! Excellent job, Cat! Will Ganbare Doukichan give us a name for Doukichan’s loyal sidekick? Doukikun is so polite. He didn’t respond, but the phone told Doukichan he saw it. She wanted to fall into a pit! Doukichan needs to be bolder in real life, not just in her dreams.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6

Ahahaha! Doukichan called in sick. Was she sick from embarrassment? Even Doukikun feels relief at not addressing what he saw. Here we go again. Doukichan’s dream of Kouhaichan taking the initiative spurred her to action. Playing the prevent defense in the office setting of Ganbare Doukichan just means Doukichan will lose more slowly to Kouhaichan. She needs to take bold action. But not yet... Run!

Oof. This is so relatable. Doukichan rehearses a conversation with Doukikun about the embarrassing selfie. Please tell us more about this friend who can cook, Doukichan! Aw. She’s just making it more challenging to look Doukikun in the eyes again. She knows she needs to make a change for the better, but not now. Next week will be when Doukichan becomes as pushy as Kouhaichan. Yeah, right! Worse, look at that bit of foreshadowing. A client is on Doukikun’s schedule for a business meeting. Ganbare Doukichan will introduce the next barrier to Doukikun’s heart.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 6

Kintetsu Yamada, the artist for Sweat and Soap, shows Doukichan acting like a teenager while sending a date suggestion to Doukikun. Yamada-sensei’s contribution is perfect for this episode considering that Sweat and Soap is all about another nervous Office Lady.

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