Sunday, November 28, 2021

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10 - Doukichan Watches Jiggling

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Two of these things are not like the other four... It’s the pool episode for Doukichan and her coworkers!

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10

Yes. Yes! It’s the Ganbare Doukichan pool episode! Even grownups in anime get free tickets to a pool. Although, I doubt the “Hylatt” resort will have water slides and wave machines. Also, Senpai-san’s wry smile hints that Doukichan’s “pool date” will have unexpected interruptions.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10

Ooh. Cute! Doukichan’s blue bikini made Doukikun’s heart skip. That guy likes that girl way too much. He has breath enough to keep blowing up a beach ball but not enough to blow some complimentary words in Doukichan’s direction.

Disaster! Senpai-san and Kouhaichan join the timid couple at the pool. Their presence is not a disaster for the Ganbare Doukichan viewers! Wowsers. Senpai-san will have an exotic tan line if she doesn’t manage her sunscreen correctly.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10

Oh. Senpai-san is such an adult. Senpai-san invited the Sync Agency coworkers to her hotel’s pool because none of her own colleagues could join her. We know she wanted to watch Doukichan squirm. Two of these things are not like the other four...

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10

Huh. Senpai-san and Kouhaichan considerately allow Doukichan and Doukikun to flirt like teenagers. Doukikun deserved that beach ball to the face. You can’t just gawk at a young lady’s body like that. At least smile, flash a thumbs up or do something else.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10
Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10

Ganbare Doukichan epilogue time. Doukichan with tan lines! Oh, finally. That timid Doukikun texted Doukichan his compliment on her bikini. Well, it’s better than nothing. Doukichan can celebrate that sweet nothing with her cat and a beer.

Ganbare Doukichan - Episode 10

Kiseki Himura, the creator of Tawawa on Monday, reciprocated Yom’s end card for his show. Kouhaichan at the beach is much more forward. I would love to see an OVA of their OL crossover series.

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