Monday, October 25, 2021

Shin no Nakama - Episode 2 - Rit Blushes

Shin no Nakama - Episode 2
Rit was glad that she had found Gideon again. She was even happier when she heard he based his new alias on her name.

Shin no Nakama - Episode 2

Rit, a royal from a faraway kingdom, met Gideon when the Hero's Party arrived in her nation to defeat the Demon Lord's forces. Gideon impressed her with his ingenuity, loyalty, and cooking skills. She was overjoyed to see him again. What a coincidence they were both in the same backwater province he ran off to after he left the Hero's Party.

Shin no Nakama - Episode 2
Shin no Nakama - Episode 2
Shin no Nakama - Episode 2

Rit and Red reminisced on how they met, how much she liked his homemade cookies, and how embarrassing her haughty attitude towards him used to be.

Shin no Nakama - Episode 2

Rit has a better mercantile mind than Red does, so she proposed going into business together. Red did not realize that meant she was moving in, and they would become more than partners and roommates. Rit sees more angles and is more forward-thinking than Red. He'll figure it out sooner or later.

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