Episode 6 – “Uncanny Relationships (One Side Is a Dragon)”
Dragon Maid S featured the three other established dragon-human relationships this week. Crunchyroll translates the episode title as “uncanny relationship” from 合縁奇縁 (あいえんきえん, aienkien). However, the concept is more specific in Japanese. The translation is an “uncanny relationship formed by a quirk of fate, or a couple strangely but happily united.” The necessary connotation is that the partners are happy, not just that they met in odd circumstances. That certainly describes the three dragon-human pairs, but some are more open about how happy they are.
Shouta and Fafnir are both reluctant to express their satisfaction with living with their opposite halves. Shouta clings to his rationalization that Lucoa is a succubus he summoned. He needs to because he can’t accept that a ridiculously proportioned and sexy woman would want his company. Fafnir is Dragon Maid’s curmudgeonly contrarian who reluctantly admits he appreciates bro-time with Takiya. He rationalizes too. He proclaims that he is merely intellectually curious why dragons would mimic human concepts of childhood and adulthood.
Kanna and Riko have a childhood friendship. Sure, Riko has extreme lovey-dovey reactions to being close with Kanna, but Dragon Maid plays it up for laughs. Riko worries that her outward signs of affection might put off Kanna or be smothering. That’s understandable since Kanna is so laconic with her outward reactions. Without external confirmation, how can Riko know that Kanna welcomes her friendly interactions? The audience of Dragon Maid knows that Kanna likes Riko because she wouldn’t suggest all their outings otherwise. Those two have a cute relationship with many awkward moments. That’s just evidence of their maturity levels.
Is Kanna faking her childhood maturity like Fafnir claims dragons do? Fafnir should know from living with Takiya that many human adults never outgrow their childhood and only feign being adults. Dragon Maid lays down a truth bomb here. Did you see how Takiya impressed Shouta when he showed him his true identity? Even dragons can fool themselves about whether they’re adults or children.
Death by snu-snu! Or boing. Take your pick. A Lucoa blanket sounds nice. And heavy. Shouta doesn’t understand that a man should welcome Lucoa’s clinginess. That’s because he’s a boy. Oh no. Don’t spy on girls, Shouta. You’ll flip a weird switch if you do this stuff before puberty. I like how the cameras look like they have feet. Dragon Maid makes them seem like magic eyeball familiars that a wizard could use. Shouta uses the magic of this world: electricity, silicon, and Wi-Fi. Silly boy. Lucoa’s only weakness is arrest for indecent exposure. She’s safe from the authorities in the privacy of her home. And she knows you’re watching! Hilarious. Shouta's T-shirt says he’s on Team Melon. Obviously, since Lucoa lives with him.
Shouta’s attacks on Lucoa’s “weaknesses” won’t work. Because they’re not weaknesses, duh! That rip in her T-shirt will fire up all the shotacon Dragon Maid doujins... These scenes are all about Shouta’s weak points. Ooh. Tohru should have all the dirt on Lucoa. Har. Lucoa’s weakness is liquor because of the myth about Quetzalcoatl getting drunk and bedding his sister. Kobayashi is too level-headed. She suggests Shouta accept how good things are with Lucoa. As a man, he can’t do that! He’s a boy, though. Tohru gave him a dragon’s perspective. Lucoa doesn’t stay in one spot for long, so Shouta should take it as a compliment that Lucoa still lives with him.
See? Lucoa knew everything from the start. She tells Shouta her weakness is being afraid of becoming attached to one place. Lucoa decided to try staying in place when she saw Tohru found a place to belong. Will Shouta let her try belonging with him? Looks like Lucoa hit Shouta’s weak spot.
Next up on Dragon Maid, Takiya has adult problems. His parents are coming to visit, and he needs to hide his otaku collection! Keep it digital, my friends. And tell your best friend to destroy your hard drives before dying and reincarnating in another world. Ahem. Oh, and Takiya will need to explain Fafnir too. Hah. Everyone comes to Tohru about dragon advice.
Ooh! Another dragon world flashback. Ack. Tohru’s relationship beginning with Fafnir was not as heartwarming as Elma’s. Fafnir let her crash inside his cave after a long fight. Takiya already let Fafnir crash in his man-cave. Dragon Maid draws a connection. Takiya tries to reach Lucoa for advice. Eep. No good. Shouta says Lucoa’s on a trip. Haha. Shouta still thinks his magic contract marbles work on dragons. Oh, man. Shouta just made Takiya’s week. He thinks Takiya is a “cool adult.” Will Takiya let him in on his secret?
Fafnir lets Takiya have his dragon perspective on adults and children. There’s your theme for this week. Dragons fake that they’re adults just like humans do. Hahaha! No wonder Fafnir wanted to beat this game. He needed to make “Siegfried” give him good treasure! Fafnir got his revenge! Ohohoho! Takiya revealed his secret identity to Shouta! So many truth bombs in this episode.
Ah. Time for Dragon Maid to give us slice-of-life comedy with a healing anime moment. Riko takes on a childish challenge. Go somewhere far away with no adult help. Kanna will go with her. This is like parents watching a child go on her first errand. Georgie let Riko have a smartphone to take pictures. Her first attempt at capturing Kanna was not successful.
This trip is so wholesome. Riko still loses it from touching Kanna. She’ll never become used to that. Spaced-out artist dude wears a soccer hat. Will we see him again? Lunchtime. Kanna’s big mouth for eating always makes me laugh. Riko is thirsty... for Kanna’s indirect kisses! Borrowing chopsticks plan: failed! Sharing French fries: too much for Riko! Talented girl. She caught all her food in her bento tray. Whoa! Riko jumped right back up for sharing Kanna’s partially eaten food.
River walking montage in Dragon Maid. This is a long hike for grade-schoolers. Kanna says she loves bathing in rivers. Someone else loves bathing in rivers too! Elma forgot her perception blocking magic. That Leviathan needs to find a human partner too, or she’ll keep doing crap like this. Quick! Riko, take a picture of Loch Ness Elma! Oh well, she took a picture of Kanna, which is even better. They made it to the end. Nice. An elderly man’s story of how the river changed makes Kanna consider how she’ll change. Cute. Riko is sure she’ll grow old together with Kanna.
Hahaha! Who’ll believe Riko about a monster in the river? Har. Kanna brings back the old anime joke about explaining a monster fight in the city as “CG.” One of the kids dragged that Dragon Maid gag into 2021 by calling it “AR” (augmented reality).
Fafnir takes his turn as Taurus in the end card. He wants you to maximize your item drops in an annoying way. Next time, Shouta stumbles upon a Lucoa doujin! That doesn’t look like official art.
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