Monday, July 05, 2021

Bokutachi no Remake - Episode 1 - Shinoaki Drinks Yogurt Milk

Kyouya's first morning at art school included waking next to a sexy girl who indirectly kissed him. Fun times!

Kyouya Hashiba, who had an unsuccessful career in game software development, found himself ten years in the past. Instead of going to university for an economics degree, he accepted enrollment at an art school where his favorite writer, composer, and artist attended. His fortune certainly took a turn to the positive when he woke up from his first night in his room next to a beautiful girl who messily drank his yogurt milk. That didn't happen to him the first time around in economics school!

Kyouya will need to adjust to living with cute girls he's not related to. He met Aki Shino in his bed, whose nickname became Shinoaki, before her proper introductions. She decided to share his futon before the movers delivered hers, without telling him, of course. Nanako happened upon the scene and needed a proper explanation for how the pajama-clad girl's head landed in his lap. An implausible string of coincidences is a plot progression for anime, not real life. Kyouya saw an intriguingly young Assistant Professor Kano, who lectured the incoming class on how bad their job prospects would be. He knew that from experience. He also met his previous boss Eiko. She was a serious student of story creation and direction in art school.

In the first quirk of fate for the time-traveling Kyouya, he discovered he lived next door to his favorite artist. Aki Shino's pseudonym was not many steps away from Akishima Shino. What an experience to see his phone's wallpaper in 2016 in the middle of its creation in 2006. Obviously, Kyouya will discover his favorite composer is Nanako. He'll also discover that his favorite writer is his roommate, but that pseudonym will need a backstory.

The opening credits like showing the girls in Kyouya's university days running on the beach. The end credits feature different swimsuits in what looks like a summer beach trip to a hot springs hotel. I can't wait for that episode!

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