Ochaco equipped herself with new gear when she started her internship at Dragoon Ryuukyuu's hero agency. She joined Nejire and Tsuyu there, who both were curious about her new modifications. She couldn't admit that it was all to have better teamwork with a certain admirable young man who goes overboard with his superpowers. I wonder who that is!
The best way to have a beach episode is to work with a pro hero based on a southern island. It was an excellent way to have another anime-only sequel to Tsuyu's first internship with Selkie, the pro hero spotted seal. He and Sirius tracked smugglers to a complicated formation of islands, so they knew they needed heroes who could fly and work well in the water. It was time to call in Ryuuko's all-girl wrecking crew of a dragon lady, a floating girl, a froggy girl, and another flying girl. But since smugglers like to move at night, the girls had time to recharge on the beach during the day. Selkie knows what the audience wants.
The two hero agencies prepared the best they could, but they didn't count on the smugglers dragging a seaplane behind their boat. After some Plus Ultra action, the heroes successfully recovered the smuggled goods and saved the day. Time to have another beach barbecue!
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