Sunday, June 13, 2021

Slime Taoshite 300-nen - Episode 10 - Beelzebub Spins

Beelzebub just wants to drink wine and hug slime daughters. She's everyone's favorite demon lord auntie.

Azusa meets a traveling minstrel bunny girl who collapses from hunger. The Witch of the Highlands took in the death metal singer Kuku, and everyone, especially Flatorte, counseled her on traveling down a different musical path. The household offered lyrical ideas for a new song, but some of them were out of bounds, like Halkara's potion commercial jingle. In the middle of all this, Beelzebub arrived to drink wine and pinch slime daughter cheeks. She heard Kuku's song and invited her to a huge demon realm music festival.

Kuku's song was a big success. Beelzebub arrived with a stack of papers offering the anthem rock bunny girl gigs and jobs. Flatorte exhorted her musical pupil to keep true to herself and her musical identity. Most importantly, Kuku must always rock on!

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