Tuesday, June 22, 2021

Edens Zero - Episode 6 - Space Tentacle Tickles Rebecca's Nose

The space tentacles that snatched Rebecca were more playful than sadistic. It still wasn't so pleasant for Rebecca, though.

The pirates on Elsie Crimson's ship joked about selling Rebecca into slavery. Her idea of what that would look like still involved making movies but more like the OnlyFans version.

Strangely, Elsie's pirate ship had an infestation of space parasites and tentacles. Obviously, they went after the hot chick first. Weisz thought he could take advantage of Rebecca's situation, but she was only waiting for Happy to recharge and become her guns again. Payback is a b... hot chick like Rebecca!

Shiki quickly found Elsie's location at her invitation. Why is she wearing a skull mask? Find out in the next episode!

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