Sunday, May 23, 2021

Yakunara Mug Cup mo - Episode 5 - Nao Mika Himeno Peek

Naoko Mika and Himeno discover their club advisor at the train station and follow her to a faraway place.

The girls overheard Mami-sensei having a heated conversation with someone over the phone and their curiosity made them follow her when their teacher went on a long trip without that person. They assumed it was her boyfriend.

Himeno explained to Naoko and Mika that she had been feeling unmotivated about her pottery because she couldn't come up with any ideas like Touko or Mika does. This long trip following Mami-sensei was the break she needed to reset. Naoko and Mika gave her lots of sympathy and cuddles.

The trio of girls was not successful in their detective case because Mami-sensei discovered them tailing her. She wasn't fighting with her boyfriend either. Her friend needed to cancel on her and Mami-sensei complained that she would miss out on the "last time" of something. What was that? It was the last week of two firefly species coming out in a certain location in the forest before they mated and died off for the season. Himeno's heart needed this healing trip.

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