Monday, April 12, 2021

Non Non Biyori Nonstop - Episode 9 - 10 Second Anime

Komari finds a weasel inside when she’s home alone. Komari knits gifts for Hotaru. Komari makes dinner.

Episode 9 – “We Made Tasty Food”


The theme of this week’s Non Non Biyori Nonstop is making others’ perception of you match your own self-image. Komari is perfect for this theme because she’s supposed to be the older sister who the other girls need to look up to, but she’s shorter than Hotaru, she’s a scaredy-cat, and she’s accident prone. The first two vignettes show how much Komari beats herself up about not measuring up to the ideal image of a Big Sister. However, she finds redemption making dinner with obvious and hidden help from her mother. Little moments along the path of growing up are what spending perfect days with perfect weather is what Non Non Biyori is all about.


Komari is home alone. Will she be okay against ghosts and things that go bump in the night? Oh, it’s daytime. What about zashiki warashi? Those are house spirits who cause mischief, according to Hozuki no Reitetsu. Uh oh. Komari heard a creaking in the house. Prankster spirits, here they come! It’s a weasel! Close enough. Komari vs the Weasel. Who ya got?! Uh, Komari? That net isn’t big enough for a weasel. Worse news! Those prankster spirits know how to use the phone! The weasel can call the phone with its mind! Come on, Komari. Pull it together. Well, that didn’t work. Weasel to the face. Ha! Komari is the zashiki warashi.

It’s the next story and Komari can’t knit. Well, she can almost knit. Not as well as Hotaru, but it was the thought that counts. Komari is precious. She thinks she has dignity as Hotaru’s senpai because she’s competent. Hotaru doesn’t think about stuff like that. Natsumi is good at lying, but she can’t rescue Komari’s material. I can’t even imagine what that scarf thing with leg or arm sleeves was trying to be.

Next up, Komari wants to make dinner. Emergency! Disaster! Har. Komari doesn’t want “Nii-chan’s” help in the kitchen because he does everything by himself. Is that good that Komari’s mom knows exactly what Natsumi means by accusing her older sister of poisoning them. Yukiko is sanguine about letting Komari cook dinner. Nii-chan takes after her, so she obviously has a plan.

Ha! The only ingredients in the house are for making rice curry! Personal note – I have never cried from cutting onions. I don’t know how this happens to people. Ahahaha! Yukiko already left out yesterday’s stew for curry ingredients. No wonder she wasn’t worried. Komari can still mess curry up with improvisation, but luckily a bored Natsumi took away the sugar bin to play with ants. And Yukiko showed up right before Komari burned everything. Mother-daughter bonding scene, start!

Natsumi can’t believe Komari made good curry! The Koshigawa mother is formidable, as we well know.

Next time, it’s already snowing in Non Non Biyori Non Stop. The fan omake has a real weasel posing for a picture.

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