Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Non Non Biyori Nonstop - Episode 10 - 10 Second Anime

Renge enjoys receiving New Year’s letters. She later reunites with an old friend during a family visit.

Episode 10 – “It Got Cold and Then Hot”


The common theme, or more like poetic image, of both half episodes of Non Non Biyori Nonstop was expecting good things from the mailbox. The first example was conventional as kids in Japan look forward to receiving New Year’s money in letters from relatives. This turned into a comedic turnaround on Hikage for trying to grub money from everyone.

The second instance was much more heartwarming. Renge’s friend Honoka from the summer, who moved away soon after they met, had been a constant correspondent as they practiced writing letters to each other. Renge waited for her letter to come for New Year’s like the rest of her friends did, but Honoka gave her something better – she was back visiting her grandparents, so she could play and visit with her! The atmosphere of emotional nostalgia that Non Non Biyori creates so well played to maximum effect as Renge rushed to say goodbye to Honoka in person this time. Seeing the little girl waiting for Renge to appear tugged the heartstrings strongly too. Non Non Biyori Nonstop has not lost a step at showing off its sweet form of healing anime.


The kadomatsu is a Japanese New Year’s door decoration. Fun. Renge found a lot of New Year’s cards in the mailbox. Aw? Renge didn’t find a letter she was waiting for. Of course. Hikage is her usual selfish self, crying for her New Year’s money. Kudos to the voice actor for that plaintive wailing! Renge wants to buy candy from Kaede with her money.

Hikage plays the smalltime villain so well. Kaede put a stopped to her begging right quick. Renge’s pity about candy store finances slices right to Kaede’s heart! She also can’t give Renge’s New Year’s money with Hikage standing there. Oh well. Hikage got her money from Kaede too. Hikage’s greed switch flipped. Anyone older than she is needs to give her money! Evil laugh!

That worked on Yukiko, but that won’t work on Konomi. Konomi set the trap! If Kaede is old enough to give out New Year’s money, Konomi is too. There goes the bait. And there goes the trap! If an older girl gives younger children money for New Year’s, that means Hikage needs to give Komari, Natsumi, and Renge money too! Renge thanks Konomi for being so dependable.

Interlude for playing in the snow. Renge knows how to warm Hikage up. She and Natsumi will make Hikage feel frustration as she plays the straight man to their little kid improvisation play.

Later, Renge looks longingly at the mailbox. She’s still waiting for another letter. Sweet! It’s Honoka! This episode will make me cry when they say goodbye again, won’t it? That background music is punching me in the feels. First visit is to the candy store, of course. Honoka is vibrant and chatty, but she’s still sensitive enough to notice Renge’s disappointment that they only have one full day to play together. Kaede picked up on some clues for Renge too. And there’s another scene of a red mailbox to keep hammering that theme.

After a fun day in the snow, Renge couldn’t hide her sadness that Honoka was leaving again. She ran away without saying a proper goodbye. Konomi noticed that mix of emotions again. Will they have a wistful parting again like they did last summer? Not if Kaede has anything to do with it! She’s great. She brought over a bag of all the candy Konomi picked out!

Crap. I’m going to cry. Konomi holds up the family waiting for Renge. These little moments are what starts a lifelong friendship. Yes! A proper farewell! What happened to the screen? It became all blurry here… Konomi gave Renge one of her kitty hair ties. Now they match. Renge did a good thing. She got to say goodbye this time.

Next time, baby Renge returns! Young Kaede in twintails! The fan omake captures the snow-covered countryside at dusk.

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