Thursday, April 15, 2021

High-Rise Invasion - Episode 9 - White Feather Mask Invites

White Feather Mask wants to play a little more and a little harder. Who's up for her fight?

Rika is suddenly in a Mad Max movie. Absurd, he says. Rika is a cool dude. Aikawa needs Policewoman Mask’s chest for comfort. Okay, he’s not totally trash. Just mostly trash. Thanks for that, High Rise Invasion. Uh oh. Aikawa dispatched White Feather Mask to do something about other God-Candidates. Haha! The other masks don’t have Policewoman Mask’s comfort equipment.

Sniper versus sniper, and that White Feather Mask is a babe! She’s smart too. If both snipers can dodge bullets, how about shooting something that can’t dodge? Like how about that bridge Sniper Mask stands on?

Look at Yuri go! Kuon goes right to her Railgun App. Sniper Mask thinks that dying by falling from a rope bridge is lame, so he can’t die that way. Dying by a headshot from a beautiful sniper is much cooler than losing his grip.

Mayuko noticed the Dark Tower lighting up and clouds started to circle around it. Kuon has a cheat code. Oh! Ein Mask cut White Feather Mask’s rifle. The sniper isn’t a threat anymore. She’s still enough of a threat to Ein Mask though. She wears white. Sniper Mask is back on the board. Time for White Feather Mask to run away. Ha. Ein is a spoiled Mask. She wants head pats!

Ooh, Aikawa made White Feather sad. I hate him even more. Oho! She blushed because she thought Sniper Mask was so cool asking for a headshot. I hope Kuon doesn’t find out, but I also want to see her pout about it.

Mayuko had a notion. Girl talk happens in the restroom, so she drags Kuon in there. Toilet paper makes me laugh. High Rise Hell has no shortage of the stuff. There’s the girl talk. Mayuko asked Kuon point-blank about her crush on Sniper Mask. Kyuun~! No, of course not. Why do you ask? Oh, it was to get Kuon to admit she’s firing up the Dark Tower. Way to go, Mayuko!

Free range Masks still pose a danger, so Yuri better learn how to activate her adorable power quickly. Have we seen masks besides Mayuko try to escape High Rise Hell by provoking death? The rules say Masks can’t kill themselves, so we have another malfunctioning mask in High Rise Invasion. My confidence in quality control for these electronic devices continues to plummet. The point of this scene is for Kuon to confront her sheltered nature. Also, we haven’t seen red blood in a while, so let’s go Netflix!

Ahahaha! High Rise Invasion has been postponing Yuri meeting Sniper Mask as an ally for so many episodes, so it slays me how scared she is still. It’s barely been a day since he attacked her and Mayuko fed him a grenade. Kuon is more flustered than Yuri! All that talk of her crush on him continues to make her heart flutter.

Oh dear. Yuri still has her omnipotent persona in front of the formerly bad doctor. Hilariously, the actual Railgun user is nearby. That’s just fun. When Yuri last blustered her power in front of the doctor, she wasn’t a God-Candidate, but now she is, so she keeps playing the long con on him. Mayuko likes seeing Yuri act tough.

Policewoman Mask always makes a good scene. She’ll be interrogating Rika into the next episode. Lucky him!

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