Friday, March 19, 2021

Shingeki no Kyojin - The Final Season - Episode 67 - 10 Second Anime

The Scouts successfully extract Eren from Marley with surprising guests, but not without significant losses.

#67 – “Assassin’s Bullet”


If Shingeki no Kyojin tries to make me like Gabi in the future after what she did this week, that will be a hard sell. I already hated because of her unquestioning devotion to Marleyan propaganda. She might have gained perspective after gaining the memories of a previous Titan Power, like Porco did, or fighting the Paradisians on their own turf, like Zeke and Reiner, but her attitude is proudly ignorant.

Falco, the other side of the coin Shingeki no Kyojin tries to palm on to the audience, has promise. He gained perspective already by volunteering at the veterans’ hospital and seeing up close the consequences of war. And then he saw his hero Reiner beg the ultimate evil Eren Jaeger, according to Marleyan lies, to kill him for his sins. Falco is already an insurgent. He just doesn’t know it yet. He’s the likable Marleyan the audience needs to admire for his kindness and diligence. I want to see what happens to him next. That’s a good character.


Reiner vs. Eren, let’s go! Oh. Reiner took a punch just to grab Porco away from Eren. Eren gave it up. Time to leave. Ugh. Gabi wants revenge. The Scouts rappel up to the airship. Armin greets Eren first. I wonder how many weeks, months, or years they’ve been apart. Ha. Levi greets Eren in the usual way. Uh, a kick in the face is a bit harsher than usual. Eren does have a kickable face. Levi thinks the look in Eren’s eyes matches the despair and resignation of the castoffs living underground. Levi says everything happened just like Eren planned. There’s the steam of a Titan healing! Who? Zeke? No…

Sasha tells Jean they lost six Scouts. Ugh. Floch wants to celebrate the New Eldian Empire’s victory. The Scout veterans don’t need that spirit. It wasn’t a fluke. Falco beat Gabi again in a sprint. Nobody needs to hear Gabi’s deluded reasons for revenge. Falco already sees the other side of the argument. Marley Titans started it, trampling Eldians behind another wall, but on Paradis Island. Who gets to revenge first? Oh no. The former patrolman hesitated in shooting a child and now Gabi can get on board the zeppelin. Ah! Falco went with her!

Sasha heard them hit the airship. Aw crap. Who will Gabi shoot? Sasha! No! Falco saved Gabi from Jean’s bullet and Jean from Gabi’s bullet. Portentous. Aw. Sasha keeps asking when do they eat? She wants meat. She’s bleeding out.

Back at Marley, Pieck heals slowly. She lets us know who is that tall blonde soldier who threw her and Porco down a well. That soldier and the airship pilot were on a ship sent to Paradis from Marley. Now we know what happened to all those missing reconnaissance ships. They defected. Or Queen Historia used her mind control through Eren’s Founding Titan. There’s another question.

Ha. Gabi brags about Zeke coming to avenge them but guess who is also on board! Ooh. The tall blonde soldier is a girl! Pieck likes women. And this woman was a devotee of Zeke. Now what, Gabi? Levi and Zeke were playacting! Well, Levi is a terrible actor, so he got in a small amount of payback for Erwin’s death. Tall blondie is Yelena. Zeke’s miscalculations ended in eight Paradisian casualties because Pieck warned her tank crew and Gabi ran around with a gun.

Hange tells it like it is. Every time the enemy catches Eren, they sacrifice lives to bring him back. Zeke explains that their side now has the Founding Titan and a Titan with royal blood. Did… Historia find a way to eat Annie and become the Female Titan? Zeke fights for “Eldia,” meaning both on Paradis and Marley. Yup. The entire world will come after them. Conny confirmed another sacrifice. Sasha died. Potato Girl, RIP. Gabi has a deep hole to dig out of if she ever becomes a sympathetic character. Eren had a bittersweet memory of Sasha stealing meat and hoping to raise more livestock after retaking an outer wall.

Next time, it looks like we have flashbacks to Marley Eldians joining the Scouts.

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