Episode 5 – “I Made Something Incredible”
The first half of this week’s Non Non Biyori Nonstop episode was a pure comedic flight of fancy. The adventures of Mecha Koma-Plushie was amazing. We only saw half of it too! How did Mecha Koma-Plushie make it home? There must be a story there too.
The second half of Non Non Biyori Nonstop used the events of Mecha Koma-Plushie to build up comedic suspense for trying to hide a secret. Akane wanted to keep from Konomi that she mixed up the date on when they were supposed to meet for music practice. Compounding comedy interest spiraled out of control and Konomi found her in the village anyway.
Meanwhile, Hotaru has main character armor. She needed to hide from Komari about her Mecha Koma-Plushie project, because it reveal that Hotaru had made more than one Komari Plushie. Way more. Steering Akane away from the strange creature she met in the forest made Hotaru come up with childish and unbelievable lies, but the older girls accepted them because of her usual character. If Konomi were there, who already knows how childish Hotaru can be in private, all those made-up excuses wouldn’t fly. Hotaru escaped from letting others discover her embarrassing secret. Non Non Biyori is so unfair to supporting characters like Akane.
The kids need to make a “robot.” Some are more successful than others. Hotaru has robot kits to make a walking, talking robot. Hotaru is a smart fifth grader. Already loading commands and responses into a logic board. Oh hoho. She’s going to make a Komari doll riding a corgi. That’s too perfect for Hotaru!
Natsumi’s robot project looks sketchy. Putting a string of Christmas lights on Komari doesn’t appear to clear the bar. Hotaru, switch on! Koma-plushie! Pechi does not approve. Fun! The collision avoidance sensor works. It didn’t work on corgi butt. Corgi butts just draw you in… Uh oh! Koma-plushie and her faithful steed are about to go on an incredible journey. Pechi is so helpful. Good boy, but bad consequences. Komari-plushie Odyssey! Oh! Pechi knew he was a bad boy! Hotaru’s Koma-plushie escaped! Koma-plushie is awesome! It announces itself as it walks! It’s like Renge on an adventure. Hotaru built a hardy robot!
Akane is back at the village. Oops. Akane got the date wrong on meeting Konomi. Renge head pat. Akane can’t bother Konomi, so Renge offers a solution – play with her instead! Children’s minds are strange… Akane won’t play slug, but she’ll play hopscotch. Renge wants details on this hopscotch game. Renge wants to use her hands. That’s wrong! Ah hahaha! Akane wanted to avoid Konomi, but here she is! Akane can’t catch a break. All these people converged on her location. And they found Akane. She ended up playing Renge’s slug game anyway. Renge-chon! Too soon! If you thought Akane’s slug play was full circle, just watch this. Wow! Komari-plushie has a lot of battery power. And it came back home! Non Non Biyori is healing anime.
Akane continues to become a regular. She’s now hanging out with Komari and Hotaru. Hahahaha! Akane recognized Komari as the doll riding the walking dog! Now Hotaru is in trouble! Pure comedy gold. Mecha Koma-plushie! Hotaru can’t escape talk of Komari plushies. Komari put all the wrong pieces together, so a “great salamander’s ghost possessed a plushie” Hotaru made. Just go with that.
Next time, Non Non Biyori Nonstop shows an episode of Yuru Camp. The fan omake shows the kind of river Koma-plushie survived.
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