Episode 4 – “I Turned into Santa to Deliver Tomatoes”
The theme of this week’s Non Non Biyori Nonstop episode is being a big sister. Renge, the youngest and smallest of the group of girls we follow, has always been the little sister wherever she went. The two vignettes featured the even younger Shiori, a lost girl Renge helps. The biggest reward from helping her get home was Shiori calling her “onee-chan.” Renge immediately took seriously all the roles, rules, and responsibilities that come from the title “Big Sister.” Judging by how old Kazuho is, I doubt Renge can ask her parents for her own little sister but taking care of Shiori is enough for the newest “big sister” of her group of friends.
Kazuho picked a tomato. She even declared it. Renge celebrates. The end. Oh, there’s more. Renge washed the tomato first before biting. Smart girl. Renge has a plan. Deliver tomatoes to her friends. Summer Santa let’s go!
Hotaru needs her some corgi belly. Merry Summer Christmas! Have a tomato. This is Renge’s Odyssey. Akane is visiting Konomi again. She’s a regular now. All the landscape shots show we’re in the middle of summer now. Yay! Summer Santa’s last stop is Candy Store Lady (Kaede). But first, a detour. Renge must save a damsel in distress.
Tomatoes are magical. They make a lost girl stop crying. Hilarious and cute. The little girl’s father is the policeman for the region. That worked out. This little lost girl gave Renge the chance to become a big sister! It’s the best! It’s also difficult to say goodbye to a new younger sister.
Renge tells Kaede everything we’ve seen in short order. That’s talent. Kaede likes the part where Renge became an “onee-chan.” Kaede had a pang of nostalgia for noticing Renge growing up.
This is not the growing up I wanted to see with Renge. Playing with toy handcuffs with Kaede. Maybe Kaede by herself, but… How did Renge forget her New Year’s allowance until the summer? That’s found money at this point. Pink handcuffs though… Where’s the key? Ah. The handcuffs connect to the previous story because of the lost girl’s policeman father. Renge’s not just a big sister. She’s a police officer now. And now she’s kidnapper and jailer. Aw. Kaede can’t break the toy Renge just bought. This is no good for Kaede. Natsumi will have too much fun with Kaede’s predicament. Natsumi is dumb, but she’s clever. She knew exactly how to make Kaede expose what she was hiding. Natsumi list of Kaede’s sins against her all happened in previous seasons. Laugh-Your-Head-Off Tickle Hell! Don’t mess with Kaede. She has years of experience. Oh no. Since Renge thinks this is all because she pretended to be a cop, it’s time to call a real cop! No worries, but Natsumi, you’re a hundred years too early to mess with Kaede.
It is so summertime. Look at those sunflowers. Yay! Renge meets the little lost girl again. Except she’s not lost right now. Renge likes the sound of “onee-chan.” Young children’s conversations among themselves is like listening to a jazz musician. It’s all improvisation. Big sister Renge-chon starts to see how maturity inhibits flights of fancy. Finally! The not-lost little girl’s name is Shiori. Time to play Universe Police Force. Why not?
Universe cops should watch over Hikage and Natsumi. At any moment, these girls could break another bonsai planter. And at any moment Shiori can “find” an arrest warrant in a fallen leaf. Shiori and Renge call themselves Cosmos Detectives. Uh oh. These two troublemakers found some new toys to play with. Hikage is the Abominable Totem Pole Alien! Renge’s riposte are soul-crushing! But riding shoulders at any age is fun, Renge-chon. Oh boy. Detective Shiori brings out the water hose! Natsumi is great! Triple secret agent! Everyone’s a Cosmos Detective. Don’t shoot! Oops.
Hikage is no longer Cosmos Detective Black. Aw. Shiori fell asleep. Cute kid. Renge wants to manage helping Shiori nap since she’s a big sister too. Stay strong Renge-chon! Ooh. That pink bike with training wheels shows Kaede hasn’t finished teaching Renge how to ride it yet. Next time, Hotaru’s Koma-plushies take center stage. Neat. The fan omake matches the sunflowers we saw earlier.
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