Friday, December 11, 2020

Strike Witches - Road to Berlin - Episode 5 - Yoshika Attacks Neuroi with Hoe

A Neuroi surprised Yoshika on a mission to a farm, so Yoshika used whatever was at hand. A hoe works.

Yoshika keeps trying to stabilize her magic pressure. Perrine wants her to stop moping and try other things.

Perrine invited Yoshika and Shizuka along on a morale mission from the queen of Nederland to make a magical symbolic tulip bloom again.

A witch was involved in making the first Queen of Nederland tulip bloom, so the farmers expected the Strike Witches just do something. Perrine didn't know what they expected of her, but she will try her hardest to find out how to make that tulip bud bloom.

The witches helped the farmers till their fields with more tulip bulbs just in case they figure out how to bloom the buds that have already sprouted. Unfortunately, their greenhouse's old boiler, necessary for maintaining a constant temperature, was on its last legs and finally blew up.

Perrine stars in the eye catches, which is understandable for her role in this episode, but Lynne is getting left out.

Luckily, the farmers had an old backup boiler made from the striker units belonging to the original witch who bloomed the blue Queen of Nederland tulips. Perrine recognized them as 30 year old Gallian equipment. Could be an important fact. Meanwhile, Yoshika learned to maintain a constant magical flow even when her pressure spiked to keep the heat a steady temperature in the greenhouse. This trip was good for Yoshika!

Obviously, this is a Strike Witches episode, so there needs to be a Neuroi of the Week, even if it pops out of a well in an absolutely random occurrence. This one resembled a beetle just so Perrine could attack it with the tank she drove to till the fields. It appeared to be attracted to witch magic and the greenhouse where Yoshika was, so that meant the blue tulips were in danger. Shizuka and Perrine had to defend them without offensive weapons.

Yoshika, who once attacked Neuroi without powers armed only with a broken pipe, found a hoe to deal damage. It didn't go as planned, but the embedded metal provided a target for Perrine's lightning attack to land on. After Perrine dispatched the Neuroi, the farmers noticed the electrical current started making the blue tulip glow and bloom! It turned out the original witch was Penelope Clostermann, Perrine's grandmother. I guess the witches and farmers never formally introduced themselves, otherwise this whole plot could have been short-circuited.

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