Wednesday, December 09, 2020

Dogeza de Tanondemita - Episode 9 - Yua Takes Down Mask [BD Updates]

You became a problem patient for Yua the dentist. She needed to calm you down in an extreme way.

"You" kept asking Yua to show her breasts as a way to dull your toothache before she injected anesthetic and tackled "your" tooth. "You" made such a ruckus, she relented and mashed her breasts on "your" to calm "you" down. It's a secret treatment just for "you," okay?

Artist Yanyo shows us all the special oral hygiene lessons Yua has for us in the end card.


Yua's NSFW calming techniques for patients definitely need to remain secret.

Yua's ample bosom doesn't look so relaxing to me. Excitable is the more operative word.

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