Saturday, December 12, 2020

DanMachi S3 - Episode 11 - Ais Bell Clash

Bell fought as hard as he could against Ais to prevent her from killing Wiene.

Wiene convinced Tiona that she wasn't a regular monster by saving another child, but that stuff wouldn't work on the more stubborn Ais. Bell would have to stall her as Wiene made her escape from the city.

As Bell and Ais seriously fought, Wiene decided she needed to protect Bell the same way he protected her. She convinced Ais to let her go by proving her love of Bell by taking off the scary things that made her a monster – her sharp claws and one wing. Ouch! The blessing of Hestia appeared to have worked until another group of monsters found a dead end and Hermes sounding very serious. Cliffhanger for the season finale!

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