Saturday, October 31, 2020

Kanojo, Okarishimasu - Episode 6 - Ruka Knocked Down

The new girl Ruka got our attention the best way possible – showing her panties!

Kazuya's drowning arc ended with Chizuru continuing to lie to his grandma... for reasons. No movement at all except the sad sack now masturbates to his next door neighbor too.

The new girl Ruka turned out to be Kazuya's even more pathetic loser friend's new girlfriend. They went on a double-date at a rock-climbing gym (those are popular in anime this year for some reason) and she suspected Chizuru of being a rental girlfriend. Yeah, how would a random high schooler know what a rental girlfriend was, unless she was one herself? Sad sack Kazuya will find out how much a sadder sack his friend is next episode.

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