Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Plunderer - Episode 19 - Nana Adjusts Glasses

Nana informed the recently returned crew that it was now time for eating and getting drunk.

Nana realized the people she sent into the past hadn't changed the future, so to get over that disappointment and accept all the worldview changing information they saw, they all needed to eat, drink, and drunkenly grope. Mizuka saw this coming and retreated far away to a sniper's nest.

Hina did not take very well Licht's rejection of starting where they left off three hundred years ago. Somehow that memory made him nauseous when he wasn't before, so there was a change in the future. Hina angrily and drunkenly accused Licht of just preferring big boobs and the celestial rays of censorship confirmed Hina was underaged. The show did not censor her drinking alcohol, however.

The past Nana gave Jail a video recording she had made 50 years ago and had given to her past self in one of her time jumps. Getting her love confession to Big Brother Rihito out in the open after 300 years was the kind of closure she needed. I think I saw a spark develop between her and Jail.

One day of partying after a long time-travel jump was not enough. Bikini splashing, eating, and drinking alcohol in the morning were the orders for the day.

Lynn made the unfortunate discover that she was the only girl of their group who had to suck her gut in and was a bit roly-poly in the midsection. Everyone else had trim bellies and were traitors to girls who like to eat.

Licht tried to leave the group on his own because of all the bad memories they stirred up after returning from the past, but beast tracker Hina was going to let that happen. She rushed after him without even changing out of her swimsuit.

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