Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Nekopara - Episode 6 - Azuki Coconut Want to Fight

The fighting between Azuki and Coconut got more serious lately, so Shigure decided to let them fight seriously. There was no scratching or biting involved in this episode.

Yes! Nekopara gives us a hot tub scene right off the bat! Boo! Azuki's head is blocking the view of Coconut's coconuts. Azuki and Coconut are bickering as always. That's it? That's all we get from this bath scene?

Aw. Cacao and Chiyo are like secret best friends. Coconut and Azuki are really annoying each other.

Oh. This Nekopara episode is going to focus on Azuki and Coconut. Oh no. Coconut was trying to be nice and wash Azuki's rice bowl, but then she broke it. Ah. It seems like this broken dish scene has played out before with those two. There's going to be a big misunderstanding, a big clash of events, and then a big reconciliation. Then the bickering will start up again. I'm just guessing here.

Haha. Vanilla looked happy to see Chocola trying to untangle a ribbon. Nice. She was just waiting for clumsy Chocola to get tangled up too.

There's the big event for the Nekopara episode — a catfight! Except, this is going to be a catfight controlled by a cat lady. That means costumes and props!

Oh man. Shigure goes all out when she plays with her cats. I wonder how she chose which cats wore bloomers instead of shorts. I'm not complaining. I'm just curious. Minaduki House Cup, start! Maple asks why them too. Vanilla wisely suggests she not think too deeply about it. I'll take that advice too. This is a pure slice-of-life Nekopara episode.

Vanilla got her wish to watch a tangled, clumsy Chocola in the first eye catch. Shouldn't there be two crouching tigers in the second eye catch with Coconut and Azuki?

Oh yes. Twister! It's not Strip Twister, but nubile cat bodies will be writhing on top of each other, so that's good enough. I'm just going to ignore all the sports commentary about longer reach or better stamina, because I just want to see cat girls in compromising situations. This is Nekopara, after all. Tail tickling is a valid strategy!

Fun! Shigure made Cacao the Ring Card Girl. I still don't see why the other girls are involved in this competition, but I'm enjoying it. So cruel! Resisting the urge to chow down on premium cat food. Someone should just lose quickly and enjoy the meal. So, who won?

Hahaha! Guess what's in the box! It's over before it started because cats just need to get in that cardboard box! See Maru on Youtube for further details. Uh oh. It looks like it's almost Cacao's nap time. Hoho! That starter pistol woke her up! I love the little touches Nekopara throws in.

Cinnamon has certain advantages when it comes to the spoon relay. Ha. Funimation didn't even try to translate this bickering between Coconut and Azuki. I heard something about not losing. Oops. Coconut and Azuki get so concerned with each other, they lose sight of the actual goal of carrying the spoon and ball over the line.

Cacao is back to feeling sleepy. And she can't even hold up the next ring card. Oh man. It always comes back to Keijo!!!!!!!! Hip Sumo! Wow. Shigure has a lot of time on her hands. Anything for her cats in Nekopara. Ah. Cinnamon has the clear butt advantage against Chocola. Peaches versus plums, according to Maple. Vanilla defends those plums! And here we go. Cinnamon thought of plums and peaches and got herself moist again. Nice humor. Cinnamon really did get wet… by losing and falling off the mat!

Coconut vs. Vanilla! Vanilla is a schemer. She'll try to distract Coconut with a riddle. Vanilla's pun is untranslatable, tying together the words for acquaintance with love for butts, since they both sound the same in Japanese — oshiriai. Coconut lost that round.

Maple and Azuki appear evenly matched. Oh boy. Cat Lady Shigure watches boxing and thinks Azuki's swaying hips look like the Dempsey Roll. And Maple faked her out like Vanilla did to Coconut. Azuki and Coconut are too similar, which is why they're always fighting. Oh! The other Nekopara cat girls made the same observation!

After all that, Coconut and Azuki still want to go at it. Ahahaha, what? How does Shigure have a Japanese game show quality obstacle course in her backyard? This is the S-Class Level cat tower, right? Har. Vanilla and Maple have become the sports commentators, even changing into suits. So many jokes about cat girls having to overcome their cat instincts.

All that matters is that Azuki cares for Coconut and doesn't want to see her get hurt. Which is why she was protective of her touching the sharp edges of broken dishes. Big sister still loves her little sister, even if the little sister is so much bigger now. Aw. Coconut called Azuki "Big Sister," which she hasn't done in a long time.

Awesome artist ryota shows us a sexier version of Coconut and Azuki having an accident at the patisserie.

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