Sunday, October 27, 2019

10 Second Anime - Sword Art Online - Alicization - War of Underworld - Episode 3

Both the Ocean Turtle crew and the intruders realize they have to enter Underworld to retrieve Alice's Light Cube.

Episode 3 - "The Final Load Test"


That was interesting how the mercenaries' first look at Underworld was of the Dark Territory. Would they have gotten the idea of logging in as monsters without that image? I wonder why the Ocean Turtle guys never had dedicated user accounts associated with that side of the simulation. We learned there were humans over there, so couldn't an "Alice" originate from there too? The big complaint about the Human Empire was that nobody wanted to kill anybody until the pontifex character realized how good it was. I'm guessing we'll never find out.

So, because of the stalemate between control rooms, both teams realize they have to go into the game to eject Alice's Light Cube. Kirito is incapacitated, for the weakest reason they've come up with so far in this series, so Asuna is going in. It's still not clear what happens to Alice, though. The logged in account has to get Alice to the World End's altar, and do what there? How does her cube get ejected from the game? Is it a sacrifice, like Isaac in the Bible? This place appears to be in the Dark Territory. Are we going to have Frodo taking the Ring into Mordor? I hope this isn't the case.

The most mysterious image in the whole episode was when Miller entered Underworld and a little girl reached for his hand. Instead of blue, she wore red. Does everyone experience this, since the point of the game was to find Alice? Is there an Alice quest in the Dark Territory too?

We've got 25 or so episodes in this 2nd half of the third season, so why not have a love story in the Dark Territory with a chance for peace dashed by the sudden appearance of their Emperor? I'm very curious about this land's history now. Vixur and Lipia are what Bercouli and Fanatio could have been without interference from the pontifex and all her memory wipes. It's a big deal that they know she's dead in the Human Empire, but some weird, freaky woman on their side thinks she knows how pontifex worked her magic. We'll see about that.


No coincidences here — the dudes who raided the Ocean Turtle fought Kirito's party in GGO. Mr. Miller, American mercs, working for NSA and some Japanese military, works to steal the Soul Translation tech to use their own cloned AI for drones and what-not. He likes to say, "Your soul wil be so sweet," before he kills someone. This blue tattoo guy, Vassago, is a bit unstable. Their JSDF allies gave them 24 hours before they raid.

Each of these good guys characters on the screen will probably be the ones Kirito's crew logs in as later on.

Pay to win characters. Should we not be concerned about Emperor Vector having infinite stats plus his ID is SAO05? Miller is probably going to wrestle with the creator of SAO's soul (Akihiko) at some point, and his girlfriend (Rinko) will have a nice scene. Or, the stats are blank, but get the ones from a World Seed game. Vassago is definitely the Laughing Coffin founder, because he has that tattoo.

Critter better figure out that the Final Load Test will restart the Underworld session, and Alice, if the Dark Territory kills too many Human Empire people. That arbitrary number will probably become a big deal.

Welp, Asuna has to go in and make Kirito "feel batter" to reboot his self-image. Just take the explanation and move on.

The Eastern Gate will break, allowing the Dark Territory forces to invade the Human Empire. But since Kirito broke everything, everyone's going to die! Kikuoka's group just assumes Alice doesn't have any combat power. She's number 3 of the Integrity Knights! Is this just broadcasting that Alice will lose her fighting ability at some point? Oops. Higa just assumed the mercs aren't as devious as he would be. It's probably nothing... yeah, right!

Of course. Kirito's Krew will be involved somehow, probably in the pursuit of the bad guys once they get out of Underworld. Sinon randomly remembers losing to Miller. Probably not so random! The whole point of this scene is for her to remember Miller's catchphrase.

Yui is on the case. The Scooby Gang will be ready to roll.

Fun! We're on the other side of the story. The Dark Territory has been without an Emperor, being ruled by a Council of Ten, and then Miller and Vassago show up. Lipia is a cutie. Vixur is dashing.

Ooh. I want to meet this Dark Mage Chancellor! The worst thing about her character is that she apparently learned about pontifex's code writing. That will be annoying to see again.

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