Tuesday, October 22, 2019

10 Second Anime - Kandagawa Jet Girls - Episode 3

Rin successfully starts the Jet Racing Club. She goes sightseeing with Misa and meets beautiful foreign girls.

#3 - "Country Comes to Town"


Kandagawa Jet Girls did a couple of things with Misa's character that I liked. The first thing the writers did was give her an internal monologue. This girl doesn't talk to anyone, but it was pretty obvious that she made a lot of pauses because she was thinking to herself. Misa will probably never be a chatterbox the way Rin is, but at least the audience has access to her personality and how she deals with self-doubt and regrets. We need to know those things so her redemption through victory will mean something more than she lived up to her potential or that she successfully defied other people's expectations of her.

The second thing the producers did was give Misa scenes with metaphorical imagery. One could argue these types of small scenes are more in keeping with a slice-of-life, healing anime where a scene with no dialogue and the right music can hit an audience right in the feels. Kandagawa Jet Girls is not a slice-of-life anime, if you haven't noticed by now. However, Misa's character hardly ever speaks out loud, so I'm glad the Jet Girls director and writers are trying something to get us to know her better and participate in her character development.

The scene where Misa drops her fishing pole to catch Rin instead of the fish on her line was pretty good. Fishing is a solitary experience, without a lot of talking, which fits Misa's character exactly. Misa had to overcome quite a bit of personal inertia to make sure Rin and her opportunity to overcome her regrets didn't get away from her. The second Jet Girls scene, where she asked Rin on a date, was for pure yuri kyu~n feelings, but it still fit Misa's character development in coming out of the shadows and making an emotional connection. To my eye, both scenes were a bit obvious and felt out of place with the tone of the previous episodes, but we're only in the third episode. Maybe Jet Girls wants to add some yuri healing imagery to its repertoire of jiggle mechanics, fanservice, and cute girls do cute comedy.


Laying in wait for a criminal, but actually the mechanic who's been secretly maintaining the Orcano. Kiriko nicknames it the "Ruca-chan." Misa offered her a good deal for joining the club. Of course the mechanic is a tomboy with freckles.

Will Rin's big, begging eyes work on Fumika? Didn't see that coming — Fumika joins the Jet Racing Club just to stick it to Kaguya her cousin. Fumika's student council looks like they have to put up with her a lot of the time. Also, one girl looks jealous that Rin got to hug her!

Misa is letting her tsundere go too far. She pulled it back, thankfully. Nice imagery of going fishing but catching a partner instead.

She really did it. Rin painted a sign with Kandagawa Jet Girls on it! The English teacher just has to use English all the time… Fun. Rin got the winning popsicle stick, so she's going to win the Kandagawa Cup like her mom.

Kaguya gets her turn in the eye catch. Will we have Kuromaru next week?

5 AM running. Ugh. Banging your head on the ceiling from the top bunk has to happen at least once. I still get a kick out of Rin's cute drawings.

More imagery of Misa. This time, coming out of the shadow and into the light of friendship. She did it now. Ask Rin on a date, expect to get glomped. Let's enjoy Rin becoming Jet Girls's acknowledged Hug Monster.

Misa made a detailed date itinerary. Misa did not get to do any of them with Rin! As expected, they got separated, but those foreign girls did all the same things anyway!

Misa's lament of her middle school days was just to complain about not getting Rin's phone number! Also, she needed a partner back then too, so who was that?

Jennifer Peach and Emily Orange seem like nice foreign girls. Their whole scene with googlish translations of Japanese is great. No! They took her to the orange juice faucet like Misa wanted to. There will be recriminations. "Oh my God!" "Jesus!" Man, I love Engrish in anime.

Thank goodness. Misa reunited with Rin after the naked bath scene. Also, they needed to spend time together with the foreigners under a train station so all the boobs jiggle. Is this the actual explanation for all the "tension rising" moments in JoJo's Bizarre Adventure? They were just waiting for a train to pass?

Misa wants that bag strap to match Rin's. That will be a nice moment when Rin finds out why Misa was so serious about the souvenir. Life or death struggle! Naturally, that struggle will be decided on the Kandagawa! "Wow!"

To be continued again!


New girls Jennifer and Emily take advantage of Rin in a very NSFW manner this week.

After a long day of sightseeing in Asakusa, you have to visit a public bath house. That's the rule, according to the American girls. We also learned their last names corresponded to their areola colors. It was very good to know!

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