Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Sewayaki Kitsune no Senko-san - Episode 10 - Senko Jumps into Snow

It's funny to see Senko jump into a snow bank exactly like a regular fox would.

It's a snow day! At least, it should be, and Senko doesn't want Nakano to go to work. Thankfully, his office notified him not to come in before he left his building. The old-timers got to play in the snow after that.

Warming up afterwards meant Nakano wanted to warm his hands in Senko's tail. Senko didn't like those cold hands on her sensitive tail very much, but things were better when the kotatsu got warmed up.

And then Sora, Senko's boss, came to toy with, er, visit with Nakano and her. She tried all manner of seduction, but Nakano only wanted to stroke her tails. Senko put a stop to that nonsense, saying the only tail he needs belongs to her. Jealousy!

In the Super Senko Time omake, we saw what Senko was doing with those huge snowballs - she made an igloo! An igloo where you can drink hot sake! I want to drink hot sake with a cute fox demigod too.

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