Saturday, June 01, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Miru Tights - Episode 4 - Ren Wipes Table

Ren's waitstaff work appears to be a lot busier than the last time we saw her at the coffee shop.

Ren gets ready and suits up for another day of after school work at a nearby cafe. It looks like all she needs is a different blouse, new tights, and an apron.

When we first saw Ren and the Manager at the coffee shop, they didn't have much to do, allowing Ren to make comments on Yua's social media cosplay performance. Today, we saw that word has spread among the younger male crowd, and families too, that there's a beautiful, friendly waitress working there, and boy has the cafe become busy. Ren may get tired from work, but not tired enough to join her friends for karaoke afterwards.

The end card has Yua laying hands on Ren's thighs. Who can blame her? Incidentally, on the Miru Tights twitter feed, we can find out which artist drew the end card each week. Today, it's Himura Kiseki @strangestone, the artist known for his Tawawa on Monday series.

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