Tuesday, June 18, 2019

10 Second Anime - One Punch Man S2 - Episode 10

The Monster Association openly declares war on the Hero Association. An injured Garou faces a well-coordinated team of Heroes.

Episode 10 - "The Encircling Net of Justice"


There's not much to think about when we have plenty of plot threads getting spun out and there's not much philosophizing going on. I did like how Gyoro-Gyoro played on the sympathies of the liberal set of beliefs by claiming they've been oppressed and just want to live side by side with humans. Right. After they just murdered thousands of people and destroyed whole cities. At least the monsters had a good laugh at the credulous reaction.

The second fun thing I noticed was how Saitama, who claims he doesn't feel much anymore, gets so worked up while playing video games against the invincible King. Saitama has found that thrill at fighting monsters again! He's relied so much on his physical abilities for so long, he's totally neglected his intellect. When he was just starting out, he had to fight smart because he wasn't One Punch Man yet. Those video game defeats are waking that part of Saitama again.

And speaking of having to fight smart, Garou is going through the same thing because he's so injured from fighting Watchdog Man and getting One-Kicked by Saitama. Garou knows, that at this best, he can just steamroll all the heroes assembled to fight him. Still, Garou is not like Saitama in that he always fights smart. We'll have to see what he comes up with next episode, though. Garou also said a smart thing to the kid Tareo about dealing with bullies - just get strong. Even the kid knows that's not smart, that's obvious. Who says the smart thing doesn't have to be obvious? It may not be the easy thing, but it's definitely the simple answer.


Just look at this pure translation from manga panel to anime screen! Just so lazy. At least the texture guys are having fun working on this anime, but the dark scenes are ending up exactly as I predicted. Can't see fine textures if the color palette is too dark because of over saturation. Ah well, you'll see.

King is so harsh - Saitama didn't get an emergency phone because he can't handle pushing buttons. Burn!

Gyoro-Gyoro is straight up trolling the Hero Association just to invite them down to their lair in Z City.

Black Luster in a dark room... gah!

He seems strong enough. He just squashed that monster like a bug.

He also thinks like an obsessed hero - shiny dark muscles will cheer these worried people up.

Can't even sees these monsters in their lair... I'll shut up now.

Orochi doesn't like losers. It looks like he's made up of all the monsters he's eaten. Super S is spared because her power could be useful. Orochi doesn't seem too convinced, but he allows it.

Oh yeah, where's that Goketsu guy? Oops.

Garou is still alive, but hurt. He thinks King knocked him out.

Death Gatling marked Garou and is going to track him down.

This kid Tareo has terrible friends.

Whoa. The texture guys are going all out on Genos' metal skin. They love metal in this show.

Sourpuss is in the hospital. He wears glasses. Ring-Ring hopes the heroes can protect them.

That's funny. Child Emperor is calling Metal Knight childish for taking his toys home because the Hero Association won't nuke Z City. I think he just wants them to destroy his robot since he couldn't self-destruct it.

It's trash day and Saitama doesn't have time for all these new monsters.

Back to Garou situation, Tareo's shitty friends make him confront the homeless guy in their secret base.

Garou is a good dude towards kids, but he's still tough.

This collection of heroes with Death Gatling looks like they have a good plan to capture Garou.

These kids are little shits. They don't even tell the heroes their friend is in the shack. It's up to Garou to protect Tareo against the stray attacks from the heroes.

Nice. Garou just pokes a hole through the wall with his finger.

That's actually some good animation for Garou drawing breath to shout at the heroes. But look at the detailed metal on those six-shooters...

Garou is just testing the heroes' attacks. He hasn't come up with a strategy yet for their teamwork. He needs to fight smart because of his injuries, but that's for next time.

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