Friday, May 31, 2019

Omake Gif Anime - Amazing Stranger - Episode 8 - Subaru Runs

Subaru's father had found her stash of "slim volumes" and she had to hurry to protect her dignity before she was totally exposed as a fujoshi. Oops, too late.

The girls got sucked into Subaru's fighting video game for another contrived reason and we learned that Nona and ShadowNona actually talk to each other. Also, Haruto knows things about Nona she doesn't know about herself, like how to activate Nona2 Mode.

Subaru's eternal rival Rindo wants to defeat her so she can stop being an assassin and pursue her dream to become an idol. Haruto, of course, knew all about this and I'm sure he has "slim volumes" featuring Lovely Lovely Rindo Idol, or whatever her idol name turns out to be.

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