Saturday, June 09, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Toji no Miko - Episode 21 - Hiyori Clashes with Tagitsu

The showdown between opposing Aradama came down between Tagitsu and Hiryori fused with Ichikishima.

Hiyori struggled to maintain her control of Ichikishima's bloodlust against other Toji.

Yukari's plan was to have Hiyori exorcise Tagitsu by bringing all of her aspects into Hiyori's body. Then Yukari would strike down Hiyori like she was supposed to do with Hiyori's mother 20 years ago.

Kanami looked for a third way, but first she wanted to finally fight Hiyori without holding back. Hiyori was surprised to see with her future sight that Kanami was indeed stronger than an Evil Aradama Goddess.

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