Wednesday, June 20, 2018

10 Second Anime - Shokugeki no Soma S3 - Episode 23

Isshiki gets serious against Jurio as he protects the honor of the Polar Star Dormitory. Nene and Souma make soba noodles.

Episode 23 - "Bearing Polar Star Dormitory"


One thing I saw in Isshiki only getting serious with his genius level cooking skills to pay back Jurio for insulting the Polar Star Dormitory members is how jealous Nene got about it. We found out that they were childhood friends and that Isshiki was just good at everything as soon as he tried it, much to the annoyance of Nene who had to practice hard to attain her skills.

Her opinion was that Isshiki had a false sense of modesty because he knew he was so much better at cooking and other things that it wasn't worth his time to try hard. So to see him show his true ability by taking unfinished, but still pretty good, ingredients developed by his dorm mates for their sakes, was insulting to her. Why didn't she deserve his attention?

To top it off, she's hoping to beat him in the second round, but he says it won't even happen. Because she's not going to get to the second round. Souma's derp-face noodle cranking is going to defeat her first! There's probably some unresolved attraction to Isshiki working under the surface, so that pronouncement makes it sound like a love rejection too. Poor Nene.


Alice doesn't know what this naked apron thing is about Isshiki. Please don't ask! Ikumi and Hisako have been scandalized enough, and they don't even live at the Polar Star Dormitory.

Oh ho. Isshiki and Nene are the heirs to cooking dynasties. The Kinokuni controls the East while the Isshiki control the West. At least they're friendly about it. Having a tradition of sending their children to be taught by the other house is a nice thing.

This means Nene and Satoshi were childhood friends. Nene seems bitter, while Isshiki plays it like he doesn't know why. He knows why.

Yes! We have a good looking girl among these Bookmen judges.

This World Gourmet Organization sounds like it's based on the Michelin Guide, which rates hotels and restaurants. And yes, that is the tire company which needed to let newfangled car and bicycle travelers know where to stay and eat on their touring adventures.

Bookmen. Even the ladies. This Anne is a Bookman. The other dudes, Charme and Hisoire (French sounding names), are ranked 2 while Anne is a one. Are they more experienced, or is it the other way around?

Souma got dissed for not being in the book! Or did he? He did! Sort of...

Har. Souma just cranking noodle dough. Not very exciting!

Oh, Jurio is done already. I'm not seeing a lot of teamwork here yet, on either side.

Italian cuisine loves those tomatoes. This eel dish is very Italian.

This rich sauce is "bulking" up these Bookmen in different ways. Anne definitely needed to get "bulked up" to do that with her chest. Also another reminder that the artist used to publish hentai.

Ah, it's Isshiki's turn. He's got some secret weapons that he stole, ahem, carried with him from the Polar Star Dormitory. See? We like those Japanese puns in these shows' titles.

Did Isshiki just pull the "you're cute when you're angry" line on Ryouko? What a lady killer! Too bad that only works on the older ladies he usually attracts.

Polar Star style Hitsumabushi. Basically eel over rice in a bowl. Man, how traditionally Japanese can you get?

And boom! Eel tentacle grape!

The kids from the dorm provided smoked garlic chips, cheese, and bonita-laced sake for cooking.

Jurio loves him some Meravigliosa Donato.

And then Jurio apologizes under duress from eel tentacle grape.

Everybody thumbs up for the win!

Jurio taken away on a stretcher, but he seems happy about it. Rindou is in a tizzy.

Isshiki shows no mercy while protecting his juniors.

My God! The derp face on Souma is sublime.

Ah. Nene's history with Isshiki is how he was good at everything from the start, but never practiced as much as she did.

Nene shock! Isshiki says Souma will win.

With yakisoba! He's going to stir fry those premium grade noodles he just made? Souma, of course, has a plan based on his diner experience.

Next time, the preview says it's "the final stop." So, will the season finale even do any part of Megishima and Shouko's contest, or nah?

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