Monday, May 07, 2018

Omake Gif Anime - Sword Art Online Alternative - Gun Gale Online - Episode 5 - LLENN Bullet Time

We knew LLENN was fast, but did we know that she was so fast that bullets travel in slow motion when she's dodging? That's fast!

After losing her sniper, LLENN needed to figure out a way to defeat the rest of the enemy squad when it was many against her one.

LLENN got a little loopy, imagining her beloved P90 P-chan developed a cutesy personality.

LLENN defeated Eva "Boss" of the other team with close quarters melee action. Karen and Saki met each other in real life on her university campus. Saki is the captain of her high school rhythmic gymnastics team, who all play GGO and were killed by LLENN and M in the Squad Jam tournament.

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