Friday, February 09, 2018

10 Second Anime - Killing Bites - Episode 5

Eruza gets cornered by another team but instead of her brother coming to the rescue, it's Hitomi.

5th Bite - "I'm free to have sex in any way I want"


Let me tell you, I didn't want to believe the title of this episode really said what it says. I spent a lot of time looking up the different ways the phrase could be translated, and I found out, yes, in context, that's what that bunny rapist actually said.

The phrase, どんな風に犯ろうと、自由, can be read a couple of ways. In fact, the snake dude repeated it twice, but the more vulgar interpretation, obviously, is the one that fits this show's attitude and makes sense for the episode title. Literally, the phrase reads, "In whichever way I behave, there is freedom." Clunky, sure, but cleaned up for English, you can say, "I'm free to act however I want." In fact, that's what Snake Dude means the first time he says it, but when he repeats it, in the context of his character and situation of restraining a vulnerable Eruza, the word 犯る, doesn't mean "commit (an act)," it means "have sex, do it, fuck." So, the title really did quote a person in the episode, like all the other titles have, and Snake Dude said, "I'm free to fuck her how I want." Lovely guy.

The other thing I want to mention is that, while I appreciate the level of trashy sexiness from the girls so far, we have not had any nudity since the end of the first episode and the second episode's recap of the first episode. We've only had one scene of nudity! Come on guys, we're almost halfway through the season. Throw us another bone(r) here!


Okay, we're deep, deep, deep into game mechanics here for the story, so suffice it to say, one team is exploiting the rules of the game to their advantage. Not every bit of the island can have cameras and surveillance, so that's what the Snake Dude bunny rapist wanted to use to have fun with Eruza. But there was an actual plan to go with this, because that team separated the big brother and current champion Tiger from the little Cheetah, but are exploiting the exploding collar by delaying him from moving to rescue her after their handler directed him to. Of course, that means the spoiler for the whole Killing Bites tournament is going to do her thing, because Honey Badger don't care.

Dat Mai.

I am enjoying this announcer Mai. It sounds like she gets off on the fighting, but it may be she's just excited because she's hyping up the side bets. Maybe it's both, but I like her energy.

Dat Taiga.

Weirdly enough, the people in Killing Bites pronounce "tiger" as "teegah."

All those people teaming up against Taiga and Yoko is bored of the tactics. Obviously they all have some ulterior motive for helping each other out. Only Sumo Logan was caught out.

Hey, this one team is all reptiles. You got Brute Crocodile, Cobra, and Gecko. Their eyes glow green instead of red. Is that a mammalian thing?

Ah. Ape boy was indeed an ape. Gorilla to be exact. And it looks like he only partially transformed because he didn't want to rip his pants.

So, it turns out they're trying to keep Taiga away from helping Eruza and the tough crocodile waited until a move order was given so he could really delay the Tiger and have his head blown off.

Dat Tentacle Grape.

Is it really tentacle grape if it's done by a snake tail? I'll allow it.

Eruza's pretty dumb if she just let Kaede lead her into a secluded area.

Brute Cobra. Now we're just waiting to see what Kaede turns into.

Snake Dude actually picked this location because he knew there weren't any cameras around. He was free to have sex with Eruza however he wanted.

Kaede's dressed appropriately as a dominatrix. All that boot stomping.

Oh. That's not a broken shoulder. It's just dislocated.

Random shot of lonely Ui digging holes.

Honey Badger Don't Care.

So what if Hitomi had the high ground and she could wait out the entire battle royale. She wants to mix it up!

Ha! Nomoto said pretty much all the same things Hitomi was thinking. Eruza's a friend (not really, but mean girls stick together) and she was probably bored up there anyway. Hitomi agreed with Nomoto too! Operation Unthink is over, I guess.

Leaving aside the alliance with Eruza's team, it actually made good sense to attack weaker pieces as they were occupied attacking something else.

Well, with Hitomi showing up over there, there's going to be lots of cameras, so Snake Dude's tender tentacle grape isn't happening now. Blueballed and cock blocked. He should have extra motivation to hurt Hitomi.

This Brute Gecko is a veteran of close combat. Oh well. Honey Badger will learn those moves eventually. She did it with the Bear.

Oh, switch up. Eruza and Hitomi have teamed up for this "showdown!" The preview shows Snake Dude using venom on Hitomi, but we've seen the nature videos on Honey Badgers. They don't care about venom and they love eating snakes.

These omakes with Oshie kill me. Yes, mean girls, she ate the flag!

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