Hitomi and Ichinosuke need a team of three to enter the Destroyal match and their best candidate is Ui, a nonviolent bunny girl.
3rd Bite - "I really have no redeeming qualities"
Ooh, let's start with a flash-forward of sexy cosplay event starring Eruza and Hitomi. Like Nomoto, the audience has to wonder how did this happen?
And we're back from the opening credits. Oh, it's at Nomoto's college and Eruza is getting patched up from her fight with Hitomi. Of course it's in the Manga Research Club. Talk about nice continuity.
Wait a minute! This means Hitomi is still not wearing any panties!
Nomoto can't look Hitomi in the eye after he looked her in the... some place lower.
Hitomi doesn't have any awkwardness though. Honey Badger don't care.
These girls are openly talking about underground fighting rings in front of a bunch of college nerds, and the nerds think they're bickering over Nomoto. Gotta love how much Japanese relies on context... Harem cat fight! It's kind of true.
Somehow, to defuse this situation, the girls have to dress up in maid waitress costumes with their kemonomimi. That's mashing up a lot of cosplay genres.
Eruza is down with all of that. She sees it as a chance to teach Hitomi about isolated transformations. Cute!
Oh. Eruza must have given Hitomi her trophy, er, her panties back.
And then the video and photography clubs showed up. It's a true cosplay event!
Hitomi likens just making her ears and tail feels like riding a bike on the easiest gear. I like bicycle analogies...
Hitomi, make a pose! Goes straight to bodybuilding poses...
Honey Badger don't care, but she is curious. It's a good thing they are so tough, because that curiosity gets them into all sorts of trouble.
Meanwhile, Nomoto meets more of these zaibatsu characters.
Leo didn't die. I'm still not learning his real name.
When is Yoko going to dress in a sexy leather outfit like in the closing credits?
Yoko couldn't believe a financier wasn't in total control of his therianthrope. Well, she's supposed to be the first of her kind to break the Killing Bites rules.
Grandpa is going to use Kido, whoever that is. He looks big and bald. What if a person was crossed with... a person!? Well, we'll see what's up with this champion eventually.
Ichinosuke and Hitomi are two of the three-man team needed for this Battle Royale. They need a third, but almost all the other crossbreeds have been pledged or somehow become indisposed. Always with the tactics outside the rules of the game in these tournament style stories. Which means we're going to meet this bunny girl.
Whoa. Two girls going at it. I assume showing their glasses on the nightstand means their eyes are important somehow.
Oof, these two are twins. That's too much sisterly love.
Aw. Brute Rabbit. Spelled "RABI." What was Shidou thinking in making Ui Inaba a bunny girl? How could she fight in Killing Bites without any offensive capabilities?
Sumo Logan loves begging girls to join him. No shame, man, and no game either.
Hitomi goes straight to the hard boiled bad cop tactics to convince Ui.
Maybe she'll fall for sad sack Nomoto like Hitomi did...
Eh? Somebody's sniping. With blood? Got to be a horned lizard.
Dig, bunny, dig!
Yup. Brute Horned Lizard. Strangely, we still haven't heard what Ichinosuke's brute name is. It better be wolverine. I just want that payoff of seeing Sumo Logan every week.
Stang Blood. Okay.
Here comes Honey Badger. But she can't get close enough for some reason. Oh. Bunnies have echo location with their big ears. The other sister was firing blood from behind.
What happens if these girls run out of blood? Can't use that Stang Blood forever.
And Hitomi slash, without the Slash. Come on! I need the Slash!
Let's just say Ui won. That'll raise her reputation and let her have her first ever victory. Honey Badger don't care about her own rep.
In the omake, Mountain Dew is apparently a new thing to both Oshie and Hitomi.
Another week without nudity. I'm getting restless for some bare boobies.
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