Sunday, December 24, 2017

Finds from the Grind - Mount Wilson Above the Clouds

I climbed up to Mount Wilson on 9/16/2017 and met a lot of Porsches going the same way.

There were two big tests for me on this climbing ride. The first was making sure my left foot didn't hurt after two and a half hours of climbing. The second was climbing all the way to Red Box without stopping at Clear Creek, a 14 mile climb.

Obviously, I made the 14 mile climb. I realized that I had been packing too much water, and with water fountains at the 10 mile mark at Clear Creek and at the 14 mile mark at Red Box, there was no need for me to bring supertanker water bottles. That helped with the weight.

But the relief I felt coming down, without worrying about the pain in my left toe, was joyous. I can't tell you the amount of stress I had at every stop after the descent, because clipping in and out caused different kinds of pain than I had been managing just pedaling down a mountain for an hour. I should have changed shoes so much earlier.

The fun things I saw on this ride are what you see in the video. A whole bunch of Porsches going up the climb, a lead Viper taking the double lane apex and almost running into me, and looking at the white cloud cover I climbed out of from the top of Mount Wilson.

Here's a better look at that view.

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