Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Finds from the Grind - Breaking Away Up the San Gabriel River

I formed an impromptu breakaway going up the San Gabriel River Trail on 9/9/2017.

This was a fun flat day on the bike. Except for the wind, but I'll talk about that later. The important thing for me was that this was the first day using my new shoes for more than an hour so that I could check whether my left big toe would start hurting again. No pain! From the toe, at least.

Being pain free left me feeling extra frisky going up the San Gabriel River Trail. The conditions were ripe for a little guy like me to go as fast as the big rolleur types. Slight incline plus head crosswind. Even better, a big dude named Mike (Big Mike) followed me as I attacked his group ride. We had fun! Dropping his buddy, collecting other riders, dropping them. Oh, we laughed, we hurt ourselves, we laughed at our pain. Good times.

One thing I shared in the video above was getting run off the road by an AT&T van. This was actually no one's fault, although the driver could have used a turn signal... I was on his right side, going about the same speed after a stop sign, and no driver expects to see something over there if he's about to pull over and park. Like I said, the only thing that could have improved the situation was a turn signal, then I could have avoided him much quicker.

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